(8) Perfect Ana - Analogical (see what I did there)

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Summary: Virgil is very grateful for his new baby, Anabelle, and his amazing fiancé.

We're just going to pretend international adoption in Japan (and other places) allow same sex marriage because it should.

Also I used Google Translate as I don't speak Japanese (and I've written it in romaji so that English speakers can know what it sounds like) - please correct me if you speak it!

Words: 638 (probably because I write way too much Analogical in my other books XD)

"Lullaby sleep fairies... send my baby to sleep." Virgil sang, cradling his infant daughter in his arms and watching her eyes slowly close. Here he sat in a rocking chair, in a lavender bedroom that had been decorated for months and empty for a year. The most precious thing in the world was laid in his arms - they had waited a lot longer than any other couple to get their family.

Virgil thought he wasn't destined for a 'perfect life' when he first met Logan. When they started dating he believed he had the possibility of a happy life. When Virgil proposed he thought he had achieved the perfect life, but now he knew he was wrong. This was perfection.

"Kanojo wa nemutte imasu ka?" Previously mentioned fiancé, Logan, walked in to the nursery speaking his first language of Japanese. Virgil wasn't fluent but gathered a lot through body language, manga and anime, and by the fact Logan was whispering and kneeling opposite his daughter he assumed the nerd was actually asking if Ana was sleeping. "Oh my God... She's perfect. Kanpeki."

"Kanpeki..." Virgil repeated quietly, glancing at his baby. The pair decided to try to speak to her and teach her Japanese as much as possible - after all she was adopted from Japan so it was part of her culture.

Logan kissed Ana's forehead, making her mumble in her sleep. A small chuckle escaped Logan's lips and Virgil wasn't sure - but there were tears in one or both fathers' eyes. "I love you so much..." Logan finally whispered, gazing up at Virgil with definitely crying eyes. Virgil couldn't help but lean down and kiss him. "Thank you."

"How do you say 'I love you' in Japanese?" Virgil mumbled, daring to kiss his fiancé again even softer than the time before. Logan mumbled and stroked his lover's cheek as they leaned away from each other.

"Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu."

Ana woke up because of Logan's following laugh at Virgil's confused expression. He wasn't that great at copying Logan or even listening to him at some points - but it got even worse when it was a long sentence. The couple were distracted by Ana's quiet cries and Logan immediately picked her up and cradled her.

It was nothing less than magic when Virgil watched Logan with Ana. He dissolved into fluent Japanese lullabies, conversation and songs and just listening to her first language made Ana calm quicker than when Virgil handled her. Of course she didn't know or speak Japanese, but she seemed to recognise it without much hesitation. Whether Ana would ever be as calm around Virgil as Logan he didn't care. He just loved watching Logan sing Teru-teru-bozu (his favourite nursery rhyme) and slowly take their daughter to the bassinet and tuck her in. He was excited for the many sleepless nights he'll see that performance again.

The fiancé's left the room holding hands and giving each other a chaste kiss. They had a few more hours to kill before heading to bed themselves but they knew how they were already going to spend it: cuddled up together in bed and telling each other how in love they were with the other.

"Logan..." Virgil whispered at 2am after Ana's second night feed. Logan looked half asleep with his pyjamas and hair ruffled but smiled anyway and turned to him as they got into bed again. "Uh... Wat-shi anata shite?" He tried to say, although sheepishly and already knowing he'd gotten the sentence hilariously wrong.

"Almost..." Logan whispered in response choking a chuckle and placing an arm on his beloved's waist. "Watashi mo aishiteruyo darin." And before they could process both Virgil and Logan were asleep again, and managed to last the night with their daughter finally sleeping more than 4 hours straight.

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