(45) Rainbow Babies - Logicality

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Summary: After trying for a baby for many years Patton and Logan finally succeed. However it is soon revealed that they're having twins - and Logan is nothing but a worrier over his lover.

TW - Mpreg, anxiety and a little bit of self-blame, fertility issues/IVF (I don't know how fertility help is done in the US so we'll just pretend Logan and Patton are British/have national healthcare the same as the UK), stillbirth and miscarriage but ends in two adorable baby twins

I also don't know if Felix is a British cat food brand but it's cat food. Apparently it's a good brand as my cat's obsessed with it XD

Words: 3787 (this one is very long too XD)

"What are we going to do if this doesn't work again Logie?" Patton chirped as Logan changed gear to reverse, preparing to park at the IVF clinic. They were going to have an early ultrasound after undergoing IVF - at first the pair believed they were lucky as because Patton was AFAB and Logan was AMAB they could have children naturally rather than going through the financial struggle of adoption and surrogacy. Unfortunately that was not how life went though, and they had to undergo IVF after Patton failed to carry a baby quite a few times. This was their third try which meant it would no longer be free if this time also failed.

"I... We'll come to that choice when we come to it." Logan responded, trying to keep his emotions in check, grabbing Patton's hand as he applied the break. "If we come to it." He corrected himself, putting on a hopeful smile to his partner who only nodded. "Ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Patton murmured, and the pair walked out of the car and towards the fertility office. Logan had his hand around his partner and tried to distract himself from where he was by reciting the book he finished last week. He wished he didn't have to be here. Why couldn't he just spend a few nights away from his work and with his lover and get a child out of it like in other relationships? Well, he knew why... This was the one area in his life he could never succeed in.

"Patton, you can come in for your ultrasound now." A nurse poked her head around the corner at the couple, Patton's hand was on Logan's leg and a look of worry was plastered over his face. Logan put a smile on again and held his partner's hand to take him to the ultrasound room.

The couple made as much small talk as they could handle while the sonographer prepared the ultrasound. Logan didn't let go of Patton's hand of course and kept his eyes on Patton's stomach as his shirt was lifted and his skin was covered with jelly. After a few minutes of small talk Logan just stopped responding, only dragged out his thoughts when he heard Patton gasp.

"It's OK Patton-cake..." Logan automatically filled his mouth with reassuring words expecting the worst news, but was automatically silenced by the smiling faces surrounding him and Patton's happy tears. The small screen scanning Patton's stomach had two dark black dots. "What... What does that mean?"

The sonographer smiled softly. "Two of the three eggs stayed - you might have to expect twins."

Twins... The word echoed in Logan's head as if he'd never heard the word before. Of course he did, his best friends were identical twins so he knew exactly what they were. He should know exactly what was happening and how to react but he just... didn't. He felt even more lost.

But Patton looked so darn happy. His smile was wide and he held such excitement in his eyes Logan hadn't seen since they started trying for a baby six years ago. Logan couldn't help but smile too, reaching down to give Patton a kiss. His heart started to beat quickly again just like it did on his wedding day. This was the moment the couple prayed about several years ago, they finally could be parents.


Logan faced his book as he sat on the sofa, a cup of tea beside him as he read. As an optometrist, optician and nerd Logan read a lot of textbooks and research about optical health when he wasn't at work with patients. It was an early morning about an hour before he needed to leave for work so he was just relaxing - until he heard Patton's scream.

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