(43) First Crush - Anxceit (and background Logicality)

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Summary: In Virgil's first day of high school he meets a new boy from another state - and has his first gay panic. His parents aren't any help, and neither is the fact that this new kid is possibly gay and insanely charismatic.

This was going to be a part 2 of the Logicality chapter 'Adoption Day' but I decided it didn't need to be as the Logicality isn't the main focus/romance. If you read that chapter previously you can think of this as a part 2 or you can imagine this is just a very similar set of circumstances.

Words: 3616 (I may have fallen in love with this scenario) 

"And if you get scared remember the breathing technique Logie taught you - Oh I can't believe my son is a high-schooler!" Virgil faced his excitable father with a soft smile, brushing the strap of his backpack against his shoulder and rolling his eyes. Patton was a very protective and overwhelming father figure at times - Virgil was adopted by a pair of doctor husbands at 13 years old, Logan was a head emergency doctor and Patton a paediatric nurse, and they were the best family Virgil could ask for. This particular day was Virgil's first day of high school, and the other father Logan was on an early morning shift so had to miss the school run. This left Patton with all the emotions and no-one to calm him.

After a few more suffocating hugs Virgil had to run to the school bus, getting on quickly and immediately spotting his best friend Roman. "Hey gay." Virgil greeted and sat next to his friend, who was no doubt blasting Disney songs through his AirPods. Roman smirked, removing an AirPod and sighing to himself. "Ready for high school?"

"They better do a historically accurate version of Romeo and Juliet or I will scream a high C and break all the windows." Roman mumbled in response, staring ahead of him and probably having war flashbacks to the World War 2 version of Romeo and Juliet where he was the lead (he was the only one that applied for Romeo - surprise surprise middle schoolers did not want to be a Nazi nor be involved in theatre).

Virgil chuckled and glanced towards the window as Roman complained more about the failures of the middle school theatre department. Neither minded their silent agreement of who talks and who doesn't, they had the same agreement since they met in middle school when Virgil was first adopted. Not many people wanted to talk to the kid with two dads - apart from the gay kid of course. They became best friends quite quickly. 

Soon Virgil's attention was completely on the window though. He'd seen the high school several times before, they were pretty much named the same and all kids from the middle school went to the same high school maybe except two or three. It was the average suburban town with tall green trees and average architecture. It was a quiet town, nothing much happened so there was not much to say about it. At first Virgil found the move difficult as his first home was in the more built up outskirts of the city but now he loved it. He loved the peace and quiet.

The bus slowed down at the school run traffic, the high school was just around the corner. Virgil's mind was blank, only acknowledging the intonations of Roman's voice... All until he looked at the sidewalk. Walking on the sidewalk was a boy dressed in almost all black save for a yellow stripe on his t-shirt and a yellow beanie, staring down at his phone with earphones most likely playing music. He walked slowly but rhythmically, his posture perfect and his glance nonchalant but focused. Virgil had never seen him before - but God he wanted to see this mysterious man again as the bus finally zoomed past.

"I can see you drooling." Roman chuckled and elbowed his friend's arm in a taunting way. Virgil rolled his eyes and finally looked away from the window, gathering his thoughts. He just thought that kid looked cool - it wasn't romantic in any way, was it? He just wanted to be good friends with this cool guy...

The thoughts of the mysterious man kept in Virgil's mind all day though. He saw the boy several times throughout the day walking in the corridors with the same solid pace. The world seemed to stop whenever Virgil spotted this person, time seemed to slow and it felt like everyone was watching the mysterious new guy, but not as passionate as him. Virgil felt relieved when he finally reached his father's car - it meant no more mysterious man to confuse his already anxious mind.

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