(61) Learning - Royality

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Summary: Patton and Roman have an excitable toddler named Logan. Most kids were entertained by the TV or vague imagination games but their little boy was built different - he loves asking questions and learning things.

Toddler Logan is the cutest idea - especially if he isn't grammatically correct all the time.

Words: 1137

"Aaaah the Dragon Witch is going to get you!" Roman shouted, wearing a mask he had just made with his son (as in he made it and his son told him what to do) and peaking from behind the sofa the toddler was sat on. The small child didn't seem to care and just watched his father with a confused and slightly judgemental glance.

Roman crept beside Logan with his eyes on one thing - the pile of books permanently placed on the coffee table living room. The only thing that Logan seemed to enjoy more than the world was being read to by either of his parents. "I think the Dragon Witch is going to steal something Lo..." The idea of his books being stolen seemed to interest Logan more in the game his father was trying to play. But he just sucked his thumb and looked more confused.

"You'll give it back Da? You bought'd it for me." He mumbled, and his little mumble made it difficult for Roman to not grab his son and trap him in a hug until he'd learn how to speak perfectly. He was the most adorable when he was wrong. The toddler realised his father's goofy smile as he broke the 'Dragon Witch' character and smiled again. "We read now?" He asked, pointing at one of the books. Roman immediately complied, kissing his son's cheek and opening a book.

Patton watched his family bond while he was cooking dinner, giggling to himself as Logan pointed at words and asked what they meant and tried to read by himself. He loved just watching the little boy that was a mix between himself and his lover - little black glasses like Papa and freckles dotted over his face like his Dad. Just watching the boy do anything made Patton want a million more kids with his husband. Logan was the most perfect son the husbands could have, he was just a little difficult to entertain at times.

But soon Patton was surprised by his son toddling over with a smile. "What you cooking?" Logan chirped, doing grabby hands towards his father indicating he wanted to be lifted onto the counter. Roman was also following with a soft smile. Once Logan was placed on the counter he was combatted with two sloppy kisses from his fathers on both cheeks.

"I'm making pasta! What sauces do you want with it?" Patton smiled and grabbed the normal sauces like tomato, garlic or cheese. He often let Logan have a choice in what he wanted to eat, however small the choice is, as it helped his independence. He wanted his boy to be a very independent adult.

"Crofters p'ease Pappy..." Logan chirped again, making his other father laugh and give his baby another forehead kiss. While Patton could have some Crofters jam for breakfast with toast and Nutella the other members of his family absolutely adored it - going through a jar each every day if they weren't stopped.

"You can have Crofters for dessert, not main course lil' Cracker Jack." Patton squished his son's cheek as he watched him with bright and interested eyes. Before Patton knew it his little boy will be a nerdy maybe moody teenager and these days would be gone, life worked like that, so he took advantage of every second. He also took advantage of the feeling of Roman's arms around his waist - like what was happening at this moment. If they were going to extend their family at any point and have a less calm kid in their household Patton needed to remember the feeling of having his husband in close cuddles while he cooked.

Logan seemed very interested in the windows, maybe he wanted to go outside. "You can play a game outside with your Dad before dinner if you want to kiddo." Patton said but Logan didn't respond. He only put his fingers on the window and traced smiley faces and messy letters. Patton kept his eyes on the child just in case he accidentally touched the hot hob. "Be careful sweetheart."

"Why is the window cloudy?" Logan asked curiously as he practiced writing his name over and over again (he wasn't the best at writing but was better than quite a few kids his age probably due to the amount of books he had read to him).

"It's called condensation kid." Logan's eyes glowed hearing the new word. Roman ushered the small hands away from the window just in case and instead held his son for extra cuddles which the toddler always loved (or at least learnt to like with two affectionate parents). "The window is cold and the cloud coming from the pasta is hot so when the two touch the window gets wet."

"And you can make condensation yourself!" Patton turned off the hob to make it a little safer and put the pasta into bowls, then picked up Logan from his husband's arms and ushered him towards another nearby window not touched by the pasta. He remembered when Logan was a newborn and the husbands were pent up in a one bedroom apartment. The best thing about that place was the giant bay window in the living room that Patton could sit at with his baby and show him the world going by.

Roman blew at the window making a cloud, and then drew a smile to show his son it was the same as what the pasta did. Logan was almost jumping as he was held, doing the same and giggling. "Pappy! I'm magic!"

"Proud of you kiddo." Patton was always immensely proud of his son. Nothing will change that.

Logan shuffled in his father's arms indicating he wanted to be put down. "I need my f'ashcards Da. I wanna write conden-sen-sation!"

And just like that the little boy ran off again in search of a new activity. Roman would usually follow to check the toddler doesn't hurt himself but this time he stayed and watched his husband get the pasta on the dining table. Just watching Patton do that simple task made his heart flutter and he was so happy he started a family with that man. Before Patton could realise his husband was still in the room his cheeks were cupped and he was brought into a soft, slow kiss.

"Da! Where's blue pen?" Logan shout from the other room interrupted the kiss and finally caused the two to separate. They looked at each other with absolute love in their eyes.

"I love you Puffball." Roman whispered, starting to step back even though he'd gladly stare at Patton's eyes forever. Patton whispered back before they were too far from each other though - returning the cheesy nicknames they often gave each other.

"I love you too Jim Handsome."

Sanders Sides Parenting/Kids One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora