(81) Driving Home - Analogical

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Summary: Two newly-weds are driving together to their new house several states away, excited to finally have a new life together. And maybe become more than just them two.

This chapter uses a lot of the Cartoon Therapy characters - nibling is the gender-neutral version of niece and nephew and I thought that was best as Elliott and Kai are played by non-binary characters :)

... Christmas themed chapter in August is totally normal behaviour. Time is a construct.

Words: 1767

"I'm gonna miss the snow y'know." Virgil chirped as he spotted the frost on the trees beside the road, smiling softly as he admired it. It was late December, the day after Christmas, and Virgil and his fiancé were driving south to visit Virgil's family for New Year. And then they'd stay there in the home they bought together nearby.

Logan raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Didn't you literally hiss at me when I asked for your help shovelling snow off the driveway last year?"

"I'm going to miss the look of it." He corrected, scowling under his breath but then reaching out for Logan's hand. It was hard to hide his excitement for this. Virgil was going to live with his soulmate - he wouldn't have to worry about saying goodbye to his lover and feeling empty afterwards - he was going to be able to hold onto Logan like a koala forever.

It was completely silent for a while as Virgil drove, they enjoyed silence like that. Logan's head was wondering about the future with Virgil. Of course he wasn't scared of it. He loved Virgil with his whole heart and knew that when he proposed to him in the middle of a bat forest last Halloween. And Virgil's smile and teary eyes that moment he was on one knee were perfect to look at. Not as perfect as when he was happy of course.

He still couldn't believe he was going to spend the rest of his life with Virgil, even though he knew he wanted to ever since they met. But now it was actually happening. And Virgil was smirking at him knowing he was thinking about their future together.

"I love you." Virgil whispered three short words that made Logan remember the first time they confessed each other's love when they were drunk at a mutual friend's party after dating 'casually' for a couple of weeks. The L word was slipped a lot earlier than either of them expected but it fit their relationship as they became smitten with each other quickly too. "You really are super sappy though."

Logan admired the brown eyes in front of him that were plastered on the road since of course Virgil was a good but anxious driver. He couldn't help but giggle as he remembered the dinner party they had last week with their mutual friends. "God, I can't believe Roman called me Mr Straight Face last week. I cannot stop smiling at you." He sighed happily, looking at the road ahead as if it was the literal road to his future. Virgil grasped his hand for a moment.

"I'll miss them." Virgil said after a short silence. They did have really good friends in Colorado that they were now leaving behind for sunny Florida.

But Logan's smile reassured the nervous character that hadn't been able to make any new friends since their college days. Their four mutual friends had watched the pair's relationship grow from when they were strangers on different college schedules and now they were engaged and flying the nest to an entirely new world. And Virgil wasn't that fond of changes. "I'm sure we'll be back soon. A little birdie told me Roman is going to propose to Patton soon..."

"ROMAN WHAT?" Virgil screeched the same time the car grind to a halt - luckily because of the traffic rather than the driver's shock. Roman was Logan's best friend and Patton was Virgil's - when they began dating a year after Logan and Virgil got together Virgil almost shook his boyfriend to unconsciousness. They were the ones to set Logan and Virgil on a blind date with each other after all. "Did Janus tell you that? He'd definitely lie just to see our reactions while confusing the hell out of Pat."

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