(143) Blessings of a Warm Dinner - Logicality and Platonic Anxceit

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Summary: Janus' school friend comes for dinner and a sleepover, but something seems to be wrong. Soon Janus reveals his friend's secrets and the two parents really have to do something.

TW - This whole chapter surrounds physical abuse and neglect. As with any of the chapters with triggers feel free to skip this chapter but it ends with the victim in a safe and happy environment (with the best parents - Logicality are the good parents).

... After writing this I realise this story has a VERY southern British vibe. Enjoy I guess?

Words: 1946

Logan felt prideful that he had a happy life. He married his college sweetheart and got qualified as an architect, his soulmate became a high school teacher (although he should really teach younger), and a few years into their marriage they welcomed a bouncing baby boy with Logan's blue eyes and Patton's curly blond hair that they named Janus. And safe to say he was their world.

The worst part about parenting was probably school pick-up time. Due to gender roles such a task was usually a mother's job, and the mothers naturally gravitated to each other to complain about their husbands or discuss baby fever/new infants at home. As an introvert this often left Logan standing to the side, reading a book on his phone as he waited. Patton was much better at randomly joining conversations like he was meant to be there.

"Dad! Dad!" Janus screeched and sprinted towards his father, coat hod on his head and backpack half open with all the work he did that day. Just like his nerdy father he was a straight-A student in fourth grade and he loved school. "Can Virgil come for tea?"

Beside Janus was a shorter and paler boy with straight brown hair, dressed in a patchwork jeans and a black and purple hoodie. He was nervously looking around and staying next to his best friend as he bit his thumbnail.

"My mom said it's fine Sir." The boy mumbled, his thumbnail not leaving his mouth as he spoke. He was so quiet that Logan had to lean down just to hear him speak. And at a closer look the small boy seemed to have blue marks around his eyes and neck... that was probably just kids playing in the playground too hard though.

"Can I just meet your mom and ask her myself, bud?"

Virgil quickly shook his head and spoke quietly again. "She doesn't come. I usually wait with Mr Sanders..." The boy turned towards Janus' teacher who was chatting to another parent that seemed swamped by kids of all ages. While Logan was deciding the right time to talk to the teacher about Virgil's parent the fourth grader looked insecure, glancing back at his friend before finally speaking more clearly. "I'm sorry if I can't play with Janus Sir. Should I leave you alone?"

Something was telling Logan that Virgil should come round for tea instead of staying in the same classroom he had been locked inside since 8am. Having friends round made Janus happy anyway - and Logan would do anything to make Janus happy. "I'm sure you can come play Virgil. Let me just ask Mr Sanders about your mom's contact details."


"Janus, Virgil! It's time for tea!" Patton shouted as he walked into the living room, placing two plates of baked beans and smiley-face potato chips onto a small table set up in front of the TV. The two ten year olds immediately got up from the floor and towards the food, Janus started grabbing the potatoes without even thinking about cutlery. Virgil stood a bit away from the table and just watched for a moment. "Do you not like this kiddo? I can make something else for you."

"Can I eat this?"

That chirp was just said so softly and quietly that Patton couldn't help but get baby fever just looking at the nervous child (he and Logan had agreed on one kid years ago - but boy if Logan ever even thought otherwise Patton would be straight on the bandwagon of having another baby). "Of course you can kiddo! Do you usually do something before dinner - like pray? We can do that for you if that would make you feel more comfortable!"

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