(101) Janusz's New Adventure - Roman (& Kid Janus)

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Summary: Roman has the opportunity to start a new life in a new country and bring his young son along for the ride. It's scary - but he's happy for it.

This could be a prequel for 'I Speak, You Speak, We All Speak' or just me wanting to write more Polish you decide XD

Words: 1002

Roman had been in planes before - but not like this. He was lucky enough to go on a few holidays abroad or just the other side of his home country Poland, this was probably the longest flight he'd been on. Sixteen hours with two stops, one in Germany and the other in New Jersey. And it was a one way trip.

Janusz was looking out of the window in absolute amazement at all the clouds. "Tata, spójrz!" The little boy shouted as he pointed at the window, the man in the aisle already looked annoyed with this young child's behaviour. At least this was the last flight to their new home in Jacksonville. It still seemed alien that Roman even managed to get the promotion that allowed him to move to the USA and take his very small family with him. Janusz was Roman's four year old son and the light of his world since his mother gave him custody when Roman realised he was gay. Sure, the USA wasn't the best country in the world but he was excited about what was to come.

"Tata... Tu są chmury!" The child cheered and pointed at the fluffy white clouds below them. To him it must just seem like a very long holiday rather than a life changing moment away from all the family and friends he'd ever known. Hopefully this was a good decision.

"Wiesz co jest 'chmury' po angielsku?" Living in the USA meant Janusz really needed to learn English so pretty much everyday Roman asked his son to translate what words he knew into English. He didn't know many words though as he'd only been learning English for a year. This was evident by the confused glance Janusz gave his father and he shook his head. "Jest 'cloud'."

For a moment Janusz didn't drag his eyes away from his father, watching him as if calculating how he said that alien word. "Cow'd?" He eventually said, tilting his head but then being congratulated by his father. It was going to be a long journey for Janusz to speak as fluently as his father but Roman was patient enough to help him take baby steps. "Bawić się! Bawić się!" The boy cheered and grabbed his snake teddy, waving it around and happily entertaining himself. Janusz loved that teddy.

Beside Roman an older woman from New Jersey sat, smiling at the little boy playing and happy even though she understood none of the words. "Is he your little boy?" She eventually had the courage to whisper to Roman, Roman smiled for a moment as he translated the words and then translated his answer. It will take a long time to get used to talking in English.

"Yes he is. We're moving here." It was two simple sentences but it was a lot of work for the bilingual businessman. Janusz only just comprehended that the woman wasn't speaking complete gibberish and smiled shyly before focusing back on his snake.

"Where's Mommy then?"

Ah, that dreaded question. It hurt just as much in English as it did in Polish. "Nie mam mamy..." Janusz whispered the answer in the language only the two of them understood. 

"He doesn't have a mother. It's just us, that's why we're moving to Florida." That answer seemed good enough for the woman and she turned back to Solitaire on her iPad. At least she didn't question Roman's sexuality - at least not yet - as that never ended well. He tried repressing his feelings for years but in the last four years he couldn't help thinking about romance with the same sex. The butterflies were just too strong.

"Well, if you meet any girl take her to the restaurant called The Black Sheep. It's so good." The woman rambled about date locations to take a girlfriend on and Roman listened intently (or at least pretending to), distracting his son when needed just in case he figured out any English words that would reveal his father was attracted to men. Unfortunately the USA won't be the safest place for him either but it would do. "What grade will your boy be in?" She said, waving at Janusz who waved back.

Again Roman did calculations for a moment. Janusz was nowhere near school age in Poland but he supposed the USA might be different. Or his baby was just growing up. "Kindergarten, I think. He turns five in January." It was November too, near Thanksgiving, which would mean Janusz will have to be the quiet new kid. Hopefully whatever kindergarten Roman could find would be accepting of ESL students and would have kind kids that would give a confused kid a promise of friendship. And now Roman was wondering even more if this was a bad idea.

"Well, I'd recommend Sanders Academy Kindergarten. Small class sizes, good link to the elementary school and the community, the teachers and kids are super nice! My granddaughters all went there and they're..." She just kept on chatting like there was no end. At least that was the American stereotype but this seemed excessive for a two hour flight.

Roman didn't complain though, just stayed quiet and asked any questions he felt safe to ask about the local area and its customs and social rules. She seemed to know everything. But he did take the advice on enrolling Janusz in Sanders Academy Kindergarten and he was glad he did - especially when he met the eyes of that adorable father in an oversized purple hoodie and an excitable and curious boy at his hip.

It only took a year for Roman to feel at home in Florida. At the one year anniversary of that plane ride Roman cooked pierogi from scratch with his son (who could actually speak in sentences - including past tense - and Roman was so proud), and served the pierogi to his boyfriend and future stepson to teach them about Polish culture. Roman was so lucky to finally meet his soulmate.

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