(11) Let's Be Brothers Part 2 - Intrulogical but this time arson too

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Summary: Summer camp shenanigans happen between 10 year old Remus and Logan. Because of their chaos both kids have to go home early.

Also my mind kept on autocorrecting and whenever I went to write 'safe' I wrote 'straight'. I trust the Fanders to find any mistakes regarding to that and please correct me when it comes to that as this is definitely not straight.

Words: 1339

It was Day 5 of summer camp and Logan was calling his father to update him on everything, as he did every day. "We practiced rock climbing today. We won't be able to hike until next week apparently as it's a 'dangerous trail'..." It was around 9pm at night so he wasn't disturbing any of his cabin friends by speaking at a normal volume. The three of them seemed to be chatting amongst each other anyway.

"I don't care about the timetable Lo, I've seen it! Tell me about your friends." Janus ushered at the other end of the phone, mid cooking dinner. He had found the evenings a lot lonelier without his son so they often called in the evening so Janus could sleep knowing his son was happy and safe. Logan didn't have many friends to talk about but out of everyone Remus was probably his best friend in the entire camp, only because he hadn't left his side like an overly attached dog so they were often partnered for activities.

"They're good. A little energetic but that's what you expect from 10 year olds."

"You are 10 Logan." Janus chuckled back, clear adoration in his voice. He may have expected his son to grow up quicker than he should have as it was just the two of them, but he was proud of moments like this where he could finally try to give his boy a childhood.

"Nerdy Wolverine - You want to dive into the lake with us?" Remus could be heard chirping beside Logan's bed. Logan looked up to find Remus and the two other boys they shared a cabin with in only their boxers and holding towels and flashlights. He could only give a judgemental glance before Janus spoke loudly through the phone so the other kids could hear him.

"Night swimming? Oh that sounds so fun Lo! Don't worry about your old Dad here and go have some fun." Remus chuckled at that, throwing Logan his towel as the nerd rolled his eyes.

"We're not allowed night swims Dad." He turned towards the boys but still spoke down the phone. "I'll stay here."

"Nu-uh. You're not." Janus argued back. He decided he wasn't going to be a responsible adult this evening, Logan presumed. "You're going to be 10. I command you to go with them Logan - or I'll confiscate all your books when you're back."

Remus giggled at that again, grabbing Logan's hand and dragging him up. Janus hang up on his son once he heard the movement and let him have fun. And that's exactly what he did. Turns out jumping into a lake at the beginning of July almost naked wasn't that bad. It was in fact really fun, Logan was laughing harder than he ever had before swimming around and splashing Remus with the stars above him. Logan told Remus about the stars on the way back to the cabin, about all constellations and mythology around them. Remus listened attentively, actually at peace, and surprisingly slept sound that night.


Since Remus knew the magic power to get him to do stuff by asking him when he was calling his father that's exactly what he did. Over the weeks they had visited the lake many times, chased owls around the forest, climbed the tallest tree they could find. The next adventure was the most rebellious yet - they wanted a bonfire.

"Max, Jax, can you go into the camp kitchen and steal some marshmallows for s'mores? I'll stay here to make sure Whale Penis doesn't chicken out." Remus commanded the other two cabin mates while Logan and he sat together on a log. Logan was the most cautious of the group as usual, constantly telling the group how fire was dangerous and they could all get into serious trouble. But Remus told him not to worry each time. "Now, let's light this." He mumbled, getting a matchstick out his pocket. Logan had no idea how his friend got a matchstick but he supposed he shouldn't question it.

The fire started and expanded quickly, making Remus giggle and Logan shuffle back. "Are you sure this is safe?" Logan asked again, fear in his voice at getting caught that Remus ignored.

"As safe as I could make it." Remus responded as Jax and Max returned with marshmallows and chocolate. Remus calmly made the sugar kebab with the fire crackling in the background for each of his friends.

Logan did enjoy making s'mores, he has to admit that. He managed to get one cooked before hearing the frantic screaming of a camp leader. "Remus Creativios - Not you again!" The head camp leader screamed. Remus had told Logan about how he usually did night adventures ever since he started the camp at 6 years old - and therefore he knew how to avoid them apparently. "Get that out!" She summoned other leaders with buckets of water who hastily put out the fire the four had worked so hard on. "All you boys go back to your cabin. Remus, I'm calling your father."

"Are you calling Logan, Max's and Jax's parents too?" Remus chirped as he picked up the marshmallows and gave them to the leader. The leader shook her head.

"They look like they were only accompaniments to your delinquency. They can enjoy camp while you're going home tomorrow afternoon."

Remus looked a lot sadder after hearing that, and went straight to bed. Logan and Remus lay next to each other, facing each other and whispering. "You'll come next summer right dork? I wanna hang out again." He mumbled, almost crying as he was so upset. The pair were excited to do the scheduled activities together too at this point, but that was over for this year.

"I'm sure my Dad will let me." Logan reassured, facing the ceiling again as he heard Remus slowly fall asleep. He didn't want to spend the rest of camp without his best friend - and they did want their Dads to meet. That meant one thing: Logan had to be expelled from camp too.


Logan had spent all night on this contraption. He had luckily brought his Junior Engineer textbook so he could understand all the forces involved and relied on a hidden caffeine stash (he believed it belonged to a camp counsellor named Remy) to stay awake. But as the sun rose he hid - still in plain sight but looking like he was hiding - ready for the leaders to open their cabin door.

The head leader that punished Remus was the first to open the door, which Logan hoped. She was deathly afraid of bees so as soon as the door opened Logan built a buzzing alarm into the door. This made the leader stay in place as a bucket of mud fell on her head. Lastly - as soon as the leader took a step forward a load of sprays were turned on in her direction - spraying a mix of paint from the camp's art room and salty water from the lake.

"Who did that?" The leader screamed frantically, scared to move and set another thing off. None of the campers were awake at this time so there was no-one to blame but Logan who walked out the bushes calmly with a mischievous grin. "You! Your father said you were nice you little..."

"Are you going to expel me?" Logan challenged. When the leader seemed to hesitate, knowing this was outside Logan's behaviour prior to meeting his best friend, Logan revealed his second contraption. It was a feather gun, and all the ammo fluttered and stuck directly to the leader's mud. She sighed.

"I'm calling your father now."

Needless to say Remus was overjoyed and proud of his friend for the prank, and both boys were banished to their cabin until their fathers arrived while Jax and Max got away scot-free. This did give them time to chat and plan about how to get their fathers to date.

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