(164) Deaf and Parenting - Intruality

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Summary: Remus was born deaf and everyone told him that's all he'd ever identify as - a deaf man. But he found a husband and adopted a child with him, and now Remus is the most happy he could ever be.

So... I don't know ASL or BSL and only speak a little bit of Makaton, so this might not be accurate. But I'm basing this story off a story about baby sign language from the YouTuber Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (I think it's in her most recent video). 

Words: 1157

Remus woke up peacefully, the slight breeze on his face as he opened a window last night, and his covers enclosing him in warmth. When he opened his eyes he immediately placed his eyes on his hearing aid - and then on the flashing light on the baby monitor. He slept past the vibrations again even though he thought he wouldn't.

Luckily when Remus sat up to put his hearing aid in he was greeted by his husband Patton holding their baby, who seemed happy with a bottle in his mouth. 'Sorry, no hear' Remus signed and pointed to the baby monitor, turning it off. Patton just giggled and signed back: 'I know sugar. I heard.'

Remus abandoned his hearing aid for a second as it was usually too fiddly to put on when he first woke up. He had a better distraction anyway in he and his husband's adorable little baby. 'OK?' The deaf man sleepily signed as he stroked the baby's head. 'Baby happy', although it was difficult for Patton to sign with one hand Remus was glad he attempted. Remus was always glad Patton was happy to sign instead of speak for his lover's convenience. 

Patton adored watching Remus quietly giggle as he watched their baby. He was trying to teach the sign for 'hello' but the baby didn't seem to understand it. They were still intrigued and watching though, which was good as both parents wanted to teach their baby sign language since it was a very useful language to have. At the moment though it was just adorable watching Remus giggle at their baby and their baby waving their hands to try to communicate back.

Remus kissed Patton's lips in a gentle peck before deciding to fiddle with his hearing aid again. He was still a little clumsy with his fingers though so it took a few minutes, enough for Patton to finish feeding the baby and begin to burp them. Remus was loudly grumbling to himself that his fingers were so clumsy. 'Can I help you?' Patton signed, but Remus shook his head. Eventually he managed to fit the small contraption without it falling out.

"I've got it..." Remus grumbled in his low morning voice - an absolutely beautiful voice that Patton loved to hear when Remus was comfortable. But Remus' attention immediately went to their child. "Can I hold them?"

The parents were slow when handing each other their baby, making sure the infant was happy and comfortable. The baby was watching Remus though, curiously, probably not quite understanding why their Dad couldn't hear their cries in the morning. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you little one." Remus cooed, kissing his child's forehead and rocking them slightly. "Can we increase the vibrations anymore sweetheart?"

Patton was already on the task, fiddling with the settings of the baby monitor. It was lucky they could get a monitor that vibrates, but unfortunately Remus was a heavy sleeper so sometimes nothing would wake him up. "Try this." Patton said after a moment, placing the small machine into Remus' empty hand and taking the baby again. The small machine was shivering as if it was freezing - it would definitely be enough to shake the accent table and therefore the bed. 

"Seems good." The baby looked intrigued by the shaking machine but went back to staring at their dads once the baby monitor was put away again. "We'll only see whether that actually works tonight."

Whenever Remus doubted his parenting skills he was greeted by a kiss on the cheek from his husband, and that small action made him feel young again and ready for anything. Being kissed by Patton certainly never felt old. "We'll try this and then if that doesn't work we'll try again." The young man Remus had fallen in love with whispered positivity - although it probably wasn't really a whisper and rather just a quiet voice. "I know this is important to you."

"It is." Remus responded quietly and took the baby from Patton's arms. The adorable husband pouted so cutely. "You have work in an hour don't you?" Patton sighed at that but nodded, clutching Remus' arms and giving him another peck before wondering off into the bathroom so he could shower. 

So while Patton showered Remus could be a good dad and husband. He went downstairs with the baby and placed the infant in a play pen, then got the ingredients together to make pancakes. Patton smiled so cute when he saw pancakes - so of course Remus had to cook them every time he could. After all, Patton was dedicating his life being a working parent so both husbands could spoil their baby and Remus could maybe get a cochlear implant in a few years. Remus tried to find a job but he had no luck. It was just Patton's income at the moment.

The baby started crying and luckily this time Remus could hear it. "What's up buddy?" Remus cooed as he picked up the little one. All the infant was doing was crying and quickly grasping and releasing his fists. The sign for food. "Surely you're not hungry again? We just fed you!" Remus laughed but prepared another milk bottle anyway, also multitasking the pancakes. 

"Why are you feeding again honey?" Patton called, touching Remus' shoulder when he started speaking just in case the kitchen and the baby were a little too loud. Remus shrugged and pointed to the baby's opening and closing fist. That caused the two fathers to stare at each other confused for a couple of seconds. Sure, this couple-of-month old wasn't fluent in sign language yet, but they definitely knew the sign for food and it was their favourite sign.

Patton took the little baby and rocked them just in case they needed comfort, but they still cried. Then he realised a smell arriving from the baby's diaper. "Oh, ugh. It's gone the other end sweetheart." The working father laughed and took the mistake in his stride, walking the changing table in the living room and starting to change the baby's outfit. He even ignored the pancakes. "Time for a change! Right, change, change?" Patton said the word and did the sign automatically. He was used so used to signing and Remus loved watching him - until he realised what the sign for 'change' was.

A clasped fist that then exploded quickly outward.

"Aww honey they were being smart!" This time Remus abandoned the pancakes and instead went to his child's side and kissed their chubby cheek. And after some demonstrations Patton was laughing and congratulating the infant too. Then the husbands could finally have pancakes together (after washing their hands) and enjoy each other before Patton had to drive off to work. When Patton began to leave he started signing 'bye-bye' to their baby.

And the baby was attempting the sign back. Remus loved how cute his family was.

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