(73) *Requested* When Dad Met A Streamer Part 2 - Royality

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Summary: Roman manages to get away from his two excited pre-teens and has a date with Twitch streamer Patton. Would they decide their relationship was a one-weekend-fling or can they consider it to be something more?

Words: 2008 (very long one XD)

"Oh shut up, let your Dad have a gay moment." Roman huffed playfully as he brushed his auburn hair, admiring the new jacket he bought in a rush for this moment. He just expected to take his kids to the convention in the city and then drive home on Sunday night - but he now had to stay an extra night to go out and have a date with this cutie he met at the centre. 

Not that he was reluctant to. He may or may not have spent the entirety of the night previous watching all his streams. There he got a sneak-peek of his life - he didn't see much though as he seemed quite private apart from his slime. He did get to see him talk about his son Virgil though, and even see him. A nervous, smaller than average, emerging teenager that reminded Roman of his own son Logan if his son's main personality trait wasn't being a giant nerd. The two boys would get on well.

"Just be sensible." Logan whispered - acting like a father himself like usual as he ate Crofters and read a book on the hotel bed. He and his younger sibling Janus were allowed to take their father's hotel room for the evening as it had better Wifi so they were taking full advantage of that and the takeaway the parent bought for them.

Roman rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at his son through the mirror, brushing a hand through his hair and sighing to himself again. Every time he closed his eyes he could see Patton's happy smile just before he asked the father on a date and whenever his smile moved he could feel Patton's lips on his cheek.

He was soon pushed out of the hotel room by his kids and walked to the front of the Italian restaurant he'd been instructed to go to. The night sky was clear and the stars were absolutely beautiful and bright. Maybe when he's in his eighties he'd be on his rocking chair and watching the sky - and he'd remember this moment. It had been a long time since he was thinking about romance and dates like this.

"Hey, love-boat." A voice appeared beside Roman making him look down. Patton was there - dressed a lot more simple than when he was at the convention as he just had a patchwork blue and white button up and blue jeans. "You ready to go in?"

Roman nodded quickly and ran to the front door of the restaurant to open it. "Thank you!" Patton cheered, his whole face seemed to glow when he smiled and Roman wanted to just hold him and kiss him until the sun rises.

The pair sat down opposite each other, a lit candle between them, and menus in posh font on the table with some appetisers the size of a pinky nail. Soft Italian choir music was playing in the background but Roman could not look away from the person in front of him. Patton just looked so happy and excited he was sat here with him - maybe that means there are reciprocated feelings and Roman had found his soulmate.

Or maybe he was just used to doing this. Maybe he did this kind of thing regularly - talking to a man for a few minutes and promising romance only to leave them after one night.

"What are you thinking about?" Patton chirped, tilting his head. He looked so cute.

But Roman shouldn't spiel on about his insecurities on a first date - even if said date meant nothing. "Uh... Are you having starters?"

"I prefer desserts. If you want one I'll get one though!" How can Patton be so charismatic and cute and expect Roman to function like a normal human? After all, Roman had not even dared to step into the dating world after breaking up with his ex as he had two young kids he needed to help grow up.

Conversation seemed to flow quite easily between the two men, laughs and jokes disturbing their eating although they didn't seem to care about their food. Soon, instead of speaking nonsense, they got onto the questions about their families. "So you have a son... Virgil right? Or is he called Virgin?"

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