(78) Introduction Video - Prinxiety

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Summary: Virgil and Roman are preparing to introduce three young kids to their family who were previously in foster care. For this they have to make a video the kids can watch introducing them to their new parents and house.

I don't know if this is specific to the UK system but it's actually a really important step here - so this is another version of British Sides AU XD

Words: 1132

"Oh come on Emo, you're paid twenty two grand for this kind of thing and you can't figure out your camera?" Roman playfully taunted at his husband was positioning his thousand pound camera for the most important video of their lives. Virgil was a professional photographer, and Roman would be lying if the man with purple hair didn't look attractive as he gave his device a soft glare and he bit his lip.

"This needs to be perfect." He said with no particular emotion. His eyes still didn't meet his husband but he was smiling. The social worker told them the video needed to be nowhere near professional of course but Virgil was a perfectionist and - as he said - 'since he was employed to work the camera he better show he's good at it'. "There."

Virgil ran to the sofa Roman was sitting on and sat next to him, kissing his cheek, and Roman brought an arm around Virgil's shoulders. "Hey lil' bambinos - we'll hopefully be your Dads." Roman was the first to speak to the camera, also bringing in some Italian that he sprinkled into his vocabulary a lot due to his heritage. "I'm Roman, and I'm self employed as an interior designer... hopefully you'll see that later."

"And I'm Virgil - I'm just a camera guy." Virgil chuckled, seeing the three kids he saw on the match profile already in his mind's eye and imagining their smiling faces. "Oh! And we have a present for all of you." Virgil reached across the sofa for three small teddies he bought when he found out he'd be adopting a young sibling group. The three teddies were black with red overalls; they each had a different eye colour. One had light green eyes, another lilac, and the last brown. They were each of the kids' favourite colour so he was sure he'd love them. "You can name them when you come here - but each one of these is for you!"

Roman was watching his husband with fondness in his eyes and a hand on his leg. He still couldn't quite believe he was having this moment with the man he loved. He felt like he had to pinch himself whenever he looked at Virgil to see whether this all was actually real.

"Shall we go show the kids their rooms?" Virgil chirped, giving Roman a peck of a kiss to wake him up and for a moment Roman just dumbly smiled at his husband's happy face. But eventually he nodded, also giving Virgil a kiss on the cheek before storming upstairs.

First they decided to show the youngest child's room (as it was closest to theirs). "Welcome to your room Rhys. Trisha told us you like bugs so we made you a green bug themed room!" Rhys was almost two and apparently seemed most fascinated playing outside (and eating worms) so Roman had spent weeks decorating the walls with grass patterns and realistic looking trees as well as installing a soft carpet so Rhys could toddle around and fall without hurting himself. Virgil happily zoomed in on all the toddler toys the couple had bought and even revealed the view from the bedroom window. They knew the little boy would love this room.

And Virgil loved standing behind the camera and watching Roman dance around the room as he talked to soon-to-be their child. Just imagining Roman doing the school run or preparing for their kid's football matches made Virgil fall in love even more. God, imagine how infectious his smile would be when he's playing with a baby.

Secondly was the middle child - a little girl in her first year of primary school that was the definition of girly. The feature wall was a giant dollhouse, in each room was a member of the family doing their favourite thing. "And this is your room Princess Becca! We gave you the most princess-y room - and you can customise it as you like. There are also plenty of toys and games you can play with your brothers..."

Even though Becca would be the only girl in the house they were sure she wouldn't feel left out. Roman always wanted to have a daughter after all - he loved to play tea party with his nieces and dress up as princesses. Virgil also wasn't scared of femininity, but he more preferred the older style of femininity, he wore make-up almost every single day and spoiled himself with manicure and nail art. As Becca (or either of her brothers) grew older or got more comfortable they were free to explore both femininity and masculinity.

"And Virgil is in his own dream world, aren't you babe?" Roman giggled, his low voice slightly raspy due to the excitement previously. He strolled over nonchalantly and kissed his husband behind the camera. "This happens a lot bambinos... It means your father's happy."

Finally the husbands walked into the oldest son's room - quite far away from the rest of the house in the attic. The oldest son was quite a little bit older than his other siblings as he was about to start secondary school. Roman and Virgil were told that he liked gadgets and computers so they had saved up to give their son his own laptop (although he'd still have to share the family Xbox). "And here is your safe space Dylan. We got you some cool computer science equipment - only rule is to do nothing illegal."

After the tour Virgil turned off the video camera and then plugged the footage into his laptop to edit it before sending it off. He didn't need to do that of course - but he didn't mind watching his husband dance and twirl around with a wide smile again. It reminded him of when the pair first met as Virgil was hired by Roman's interior design company to do some camera work. It was love at first sight as soon as the pair met.

"Come ooon! Can I please spend time with my husband before he goes into laptop-face mode?" Roman sighed and cuddled up to his husband, leaning on his shoulder and kissing his cheek. It was Virgil's turn to sigh - he left his laptop on the editing software but placed it on the coffee table, bringing an arm around his lover. "I love you Panic-At-The-Everywhere." He smiled wide, the gleam in his eyes as bright as an innocent child. Virgil still couldn't believe he was going to be a father with this man.

"I love you too My Prince..." And with one kiss on the forehead Virgil grounded himself in the situation. His life was about to get a whole lot more hectic but he was excited. He'd be a father.

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