(120) They're Children?! - Logicality

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Summary: Logan's just chilling in his room when he heard two screams. One of the screams is from Roman - but not adult Roman.

I think this is my first Sides AU chapter in this entire book? And yeah, part 2 is always an option as with all my other chapters.

Words: 1136

It was a Friday night, reserved as Logan's day-off where he didn't have to function as a Side nor human for the rest of the day and he could just be in his lonely dark room. Virgil was doing much the same to Logan's knowledge, and he believed Patton was making everyone late-night hot chocolates that would be left outside of his door in a few minutes. That was the only reason Logan's door was open.

Logan's book was just getting interesting when he heard a scream from downstairs. At first he thought it might be Patton pouring scalding milk on himself (that happened often) - and he did honestly wonder if he should break his weekly rule and make sure his friend was alright - but he soon heard another scream and a laugh that he knew definitely wasn't Patton. It wasn't Virgil either, he didn't usually scream unless he was actually dying as he didn't want to face the social awkwardness of making others flinch. There could only be one other person the scream could belong to then.

A wave of white, red, black and green rushed from the hallway and into Logan's room. "Lo-wan! Remus is bein' mean!" The shout came closer as the mass of colours did, and Logan felt a weight cuddle on his lap where his book lay. When he could focus on the two new beings he spotted them as two children - one dressed in red and white Gryffindor pyjamas and the other in a Slytherin onesie. Both had dark blond hair just like Logan and Patton. These boys looked identical apart from a bruise under the eye of the child that was annoying the one on Logan's lap.

"I'm juss playing!" The other one retorted, sticking his tongue out and crossing his arms, stabbing himself with the wooden sword in the process. For a moment Logan was just shell-shocked. This was an issue he never encountered before in his thirty-something years of being Thomas' Side. "Roman's juss being a wussy since he only has a shield!"

Roman. The boy cowering on Logan's lap was brave, slightly egotistical and insecure Roman Princey Sanders?

"Lo-wan's only quiet when he's an-rwy..." Roman mumbled, fiddling with Logan's tie to distract himself from the tears he had seemingly previously shed. Of course Logan wasn't angry at this conundrum, only very confused about his next steps. He knew if Patton found out two of the people he lived with were young toddlers there would be no end to the hyperness.

There wasn't enough time for Logan to contemplate his next steps though. A figure came to the doorway in the shape of a very excitable adult man. "Here's your hot cho... OH MY GOD WHAT?"

"Papa! Roman won' le-me kill him!" Remus sprinted back to the door and leapt onto Patton, wrapping his small arms and legs completely around him like a koala. Patton paused for a second and just held the small child, stroking his hair before he smiled softly.

"What's happened Logie?"

Logan shrugged, watching Roman show more interest in a nearby book than his adult self would, trying to read but holding the pages upside down. He could still see Roman's wonder in younger eyes. "I found Roman and Remus like this, they seem alright just... different." Roman perked up hearing his name and seemed to have no refusal to what Logan was saying. "Do you remember who you are Roman? Who we are?"

Roman tilted his head and looked at both Logan and Patton. He first pointed to Patton. "You're Papa." He said softly, his eyes glowing when he saw Patton smile at him and come closer. He then looked at Logan. "And you're Mom!"

"Why am I Mom? Shouldn't I be Dad or Papa too as I identify as a man?" Logan raised his eyebrow and tried not to snap, keeping his arms around his chest now that Roman was shuffling around the dark blue double bed.

Remus chirped up to answer quickly, looking so proud of himself. "Gender's a social con-suck'd!"

"It is little one!" Patton looked so proud and happy with two young boys he used to live with as adults, also sitting on Logan's bed with Remus still on his lap. Roman shuffled close to Patton too with one of Logan's reading books, asking him what sounds different letters made and what different words meant. He looked so natural as a parent even though he hadn't encountered any children since Thomas was a child himself - and even then he wasn't that involved in interaction unless Logan needed to translate some friendship babbles.

"Can Mommy wead?" Roman uttered eventually, waving the complicated book on mathematical theories - something even Patton wouldn't be able to understand. "Mom's a good weader!"

It seemed to be only then that Patton remembered there was yet another person not accounted for in the little family. "Virgil! Where is he? Have you seen him?" Logan shrugged again. He hadn't seen Virgil the entire evening - but that was normal - he often had Friday nights alone to listen to music and do whatever he needed to in regards to self-care in order to calm down.

Patton ran out of Logan's bedroom leaving the nerd to entertain two young kids. Roman was still trying to read the mathematical book, drawing his lips around the sounds of words larger than four letters. Remus, since he had no-one to sit on, was running around the room and snooping through Logan's stuff. "Do you want me to read a more suitable book to you?" Logan inquired, causing a toddler book to materialise in thin air. Roman smiled once he saw the book and quietly cuddled up, looking at all the words with more confidence than the textbooks. Remus too eventually came to sit next to Logan and watch him say big, 'complicated' words.

The small moment was paused when Patton came back into the room again, silent and holding a small purple blanket. "What's that?" Logan chirped, tilting his head as the twins clambered off him towards the blanket Patton held.

"Is he sleeping Papa?"

"Can we wake him up so he's no' boring?" 

Patton sat next to Logan again, finally revealing that tucked inside the blanket was a small baby, fast asleep with only whistles being his only sound. He looked so peaceful and happy... not much like Virgil. "Is that him?" Logan couldn't resist stroking little Virgil's cheek, listening to Patton giggle and rock Virgil side-to-side slightly. Again, he looked so natural now with three young children needing entertainment and supervision.

There was still one person unaccounted for in this weird mess of a situation. A fellow introvert that never appeared to the mind palace even in the day - Janus Sanders.

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