(198) The Librarian - Logince

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Summary: Logan is a quiet librarian purely dedicated to his job and training his nervous apprentice, Virgil. The two often spend the hours chatting about life and a certain happy man that comes in every month that Logan definitely doesn't have a crush on.

Can't believe there's only 2 chapters left of this book! Chapter 200 will be long, maybe, I just have the plan so far. 

Words: 1689

Logan's days all started the same. Leaving his one bedroom apartment that was above the local library and walking downstairs in his suit, checking the inventory. Eventually Logan would hear the echo of his close friend Virgil walking into the library - with his boyfriend because they were pretty much inseparable. The two men were holding hands at the minute, staring into each other's eyes instead of the third-wheeler at the reception desk.

"I do need a book Storm-Trooper, I do!" Virgil's boyfriend of a year, Janus, cooed as he disappeared into the library shelves, finally letting go of Virgil's hands. Virgil stuffed his hands in his hoodie pockets for warmth and seemed to let his eyes linger towards the direction Janus walked to, before turning his head and waving at his coworker, walking over hastily as he did promise to help with inventory checking the night before.

"So sorry Lo, Jan-Jan and I had an overnight date last night and I completely lost track of time." Virgil whispered quickly, helping categorise the new additions to the library in sections so that he was somewhat useful. Logan just laughed and shook his head - it wasn't that big of a deal Virgil didn't come to work outside his paid hours.

The clank of the keyboard Logan was typing on kept the peace of the library, even when Janus came with a new book and relentlessly flirted with his boyfriend in the cheesiest way. The young lawyer soon left while Virgil was still a lovesick puppy. "Oh to be young and in love!" Logan cheered, making Virgil blush more and stare at his feet under the table.

"Shut up, you're only three years older." Virgil chuckled, his smile wide and a smirk appearing when he saw the calendar on the reception desk. "Oh, looks like it's the last weekend of the month. Your Romeo's going to be coming in today!"

And that was the one thing that made the usually stoic and calm Logan burst into a blush. He coughed to clear the nerves and carried on typing. "That's different. Romeo is just an attractive individual, and definitely taken. You're the protagonist of a love story here." Romeo was the nickname for a certain someone that came in once a month, every month, that Logan could swear was the most beautiful human ever. He had shoulder length curly brown hair which he sometimes tied into a ponytail, with one wisp cradling his sharp cheekbones. He always wore a red t-shirt with jeans and applied lip balm as he was waiting for his books. Only problem, he always bought children's books - baby books in fact - and had an affinity for wearing many golden rings on all fingers. So it's highly possible the man was married, and there was no outward trait to indicate he wasn't straight. Logan had hardly any time to speak to the man and ask his name, so he and Virgil just called him 'Romeo' as his library card had the label 'R. Prince', and Romeo was the first name beginning with R the two books nerds could think of.

It wasn't many hours before Logan's eyes met the familiar face he dreaded. Virgil was elsewhere in the library so only Logan was in view of the library entrance. Romeo gave Logan a wave before turning towards the baby book section. By the time Romeo had gotten the most recent books Virgil had returned to the reception desk again.

"Good afternoon." Romeo happily chirped, his winning smile in full view as Logan focused on the swiping of bar codes. "Has it been busy today?"

"Eh, about as full as usual, which is quiet. It's hard to compete with Kindles and AO3." Virgil was the only person with the strength to actually speak to Romeo, even though he avoided most human interaction with anyone else. "Are you getting these books for your kids again?" That was another reason Romeo was probably not single, every single time he bought books he talked about 'his kids'. It wasn't to a huge amount like some new parents, but it still indicated Romeo had the perfect white-picket-fence life already.

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