(25) Ring of Commitment - Demus

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Summary: After a turn of events boyfriends Janus and Remus adopt 5 children - all before they tie the knot. A year after they started their family Remus decides it's best to propose and recruits his brother to help him find the perfect ring.

Just some more cute Demus!

Words: 1027

Remus and Janus always considered themselves quite independent. At 14 they began dating, at 18 they moved in with each other to a cheap but crappy studio apartment. They kept to themselves for a few years and focused on their jobs, until they realised their neighbours had a huge secret. They never met the neighbours but assumed they were equally introverted, not that they had 5 neglected and starving kids trying to get by on their own. It was someone else who reported it, apparently the oldest was asking for odd jobs by the motorway with mostly broken shoes. But Janus and Remus acted as witnesses in court and as soon as they spotted the kids they knew they needed to open their arms to them.

People said adopting 5 kids at once would end their relationship. People looked down on them, 'lost contact' with them, but the couple didn't care. If anything the sudden change made their relationship stronger, they both worked harder at their jobs and managed to get a house big enough for all of them (although two of them had to share a room - but they didn't mind). After a year of working for his family Remus realised he needed to take the next big step in their relationship to make it all chaotic - he needed to propose.

"Thanks for coming to help Princey." Remus mumbled as they walked into the mall, making sure his youngest daughter was strapped into her pushchair. "And sorry about having to bring Lucy too, she promised she won't tell Jan." Remus kissed Lucy on the cheek as she giggled - then finally looked up at his older brother. Roman was two years older than Remus yet was single and childless, his brother having 5 kids often acted as good birth control as he was always busy and had at least one child with him at all times.

"It's OK Trashcan, I'm just so happy you're getting married!" Roman almost screamed, being his usual excited self. "Where are you going to propose? Please tell me you'll actually be romantic about it - and please tell me I'll be there!"

Remus rolled his eyes as his brother babbled. Honestly he had no idea how he wanted to propose, the only examples of being romantic were from movies. Proposals he knew about were in front of waterfalls or rivers or on expensive holidays in front of the beach with the propose-ee having no clue anything out of the ordinary going on. But with 5 kids and introverted personalities Remus and Janus never went out together for walks on the beach or forest hikes. He had to have another plan.

"Hey Ratmus, you missed the store." Roman laughed, stood in front of an expensive looking store decorated in gold and silver. Lucy giggled again and called her father a 'silly billy' while waving about her doll chaotically. The brothers walked in carefully, admiring all the expensive jewellery they were too poor to afford. Remus had been saving up an entire year for this ring so he wasn't going to abandon it for some spider shaped earrings. 

"Look at this red necklace Re-Re! I can get my name on it!" Roman screamed, tapping on the glass in front of a golden necklace with red jewels. Remus rolled his eyes and focused on 4 year old Lucy, now out of her pushchair and walking around the shop curiously. He always liked taking his kids out places, they didn't have much of a childhood before being with their Dads. "Maybe you could get one for Janus as like a teaser for the ring?"

"I don't have the money for... Don't run too far Luli!" Remus was a natural at switching between his brother and his children, making sure he kept his eyes on Lucy and kept her out of danger while chatting to Roman about what jewellery he should buy for himself or maybe the distant family member Roman was in touch with but Remus was not.

Roman sighed at his brother who was now distracted again by his oldest daughter, a moody 15 year old named Gabriella, texting him during class and asking for a 'family emergency' to happen so that she could get out of her history test. With focusing on three things at once his younger brother wasn't doing what he actually came here to do - look at rings for his lover. "Give me the phone." Roman proclaimed in his older brother tone, glaring down at the distracted man. Remus rolled his eyes and obeyed. "I'll pretend to be you over text - you go make sure you find the perfect ring... And protect your daughter too."

Remus nodded and chased up to his youngest daughter, staying by where she wondered while looking at all the jewellery she was looking at. She soon found the rings section, marvelling at all the pretty colours and asking Remus whether she can have a ring too. "Maybe when you're older." Remus mumbled, ruffling the little girl's brown hair and smiling down at her. She happily smiled back and pointed out her favourites with rainbow diamonds (which were the most expensive rings in the shop).

"This one's for Janus!" Lucy shouted, pointing at a ring at the very back. It was a simple but unique design, with one side a green snake and the other a yellow snake - an emerald in the middle. The green snake had yellow eyes and the yellow snake had green eyes, both a smaller jewel. It was decently priced too, so it was perfect. 

Remus reunited with his brother once they had both bought the jewellery they wanted. Roman had bought some ruby earrings and a gothic septum piercing for his brother, which Remus took happily. Lucy asked if he got her anything but he shook his head and promised that she'll receive the ruby earrings when Roman decides he doesn't want to deal with ear piercings anymore. Needless to say she was happy with that.

And Janus did say yes, and wore the engagement ring every day even when he was married to Remus.

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