(15) Chosen - Prinxiety

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Summary: Virgil and Roman go to an adoption picnic hoping to find out the age range of child they want to adopt. But it looks like they were chosen before they had time to choose.

Words: 1230

Roman and Virgil always thought adoption picnics were a weird phenomenon. They had avoided going to one until now, but since they were invited they felt like they had to go. It was at least a pretty area to have a picnic, Roman laid the cloth and put the hamper down watching the trees and listening to the birds. Virgil sat on the wet grass and also looked around - but instead looking at the many kids that were running about with all different toys. For kids it might be a heaven, a day out at the park where they meet loads of new people and play with infinite toys with lots of new friends. It just seemed a bit odd for the Prince couple - judging kids purely based on appearance most of the time.

"Patton said this is a good way to find our age range Verge." Roman mumbled as he emptied the hamper, bringing out his favourite jam and Virgil's favourite peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And that was true, Patton was their social worker and was trying to place the couple with a child.  However, the pair struggled to answer the first questions. They were sure they didn't mind the ethnicity, they would learn whatever they needed to about hair care or current issues. They also didn't mind any issues as both were patient and Virgil had a lot of issues himself. The problem was that they had no idea about age range or gender of their child. They just wanted one to love and didn't care about ages. "Shall we approach anyone?"

Virgil shook his head but looked around anyway. There were so many children that all looked and acted completely different, he couldn't just pick one. What if the kid he approached didn't like him? What if they were scared of him? What if they were homophobic? The only thing that calmed him was Roman giving him a kiss on the cheek and holding his hand, before getting distracted by a bunch of shouting teens. "Oh! Those are a few of my students - want to meet them Emo Nightmare?" Virgil shook his head and kissed his boyfriend's hand before Roman ran off to the teenagers sitting on the bench, Roman was a high school drama teacher and enjoyed talking to students whenever possible.

So Virgil was alone eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and feeling thoroughly out of place. No kids seemed to be paying him any attention - possibly because parents usually left their picnic to approach the child they were interested in and played with them there. Virgil wasn't the type of person to do that.

"Remember you won't get the perfect child running up to you!" The social worker, Patton, cheered as they registered their interest in this picnic. "You need to be gentle and careful and most of all happy!"

Just as Virgil was rehearsing Patton's infectious optimism he felt a warm patch on his lap and his sandwich being pried out of his hands. "Mine?" A quiet voice chirped as two small hands took the sandwich. Virgil's eyes followed the sandwich to see a very small toddler finishing the sandwich with jam and butter dripping down his shirt. Virgil looked around for any responsible adult, but none was coming.

"OK little guy, this is stranger danger OK? Where's your parents?" Virgil placed the toddler off his lap, expecting him to walk off towards his family's picnic, but instead he just looked confused and got on Virgil's lap again. "No, kid. I'm a stranger to you." After another try of carrying the child off his lap the little boy walked towards the open hamper and looked through it for more sandwiches. He got out another sandwich with a big smile.

"Mine?" The toddler repeated as he held up the sandwich, the filling in it dripping out again. Virgil caught a few of the drippings while the toddler sat on his lap again. "Da... Help..." He mumbled just before dropping the sandwich completely and covering himself in more jam. Virgil got a napkin and brushed him off a little, just going on autopilot even though his brain was panicking. Hopefully a parent would come soon and usher their son away without causing an argument, maybe they wouldn't mind Virgil's nervous help.

"You found one Hot Topic?" Roman's voice was heard shouting across the park, before seeing Virgil's panicked face and laughing. The toddler looked up at Roman and immediately walked over to him for a hug. Roman took the hug looking like the happiest man in the world and not minding being covered in jam and peanut butter. "What's your name little guy? Oh you're such a cutie!" When Roman squished the boy's cheek he giggled, and both mans' hearts melted.

"He just walked up to me, probably belongs to someone." Virgil sighed through the cuteness. He could never get enough of his boyfriend being cute with an equally adorable small human. Roman tilted his head and looked the boy over.

"Pat said that each adoptable kid has a sticker on their shirt with their name on..." Roman whispered, before finding a name tag now covered in all different condiments. "His name's Grey... That's cute!"

"G-ey!" The toddler copied - although without saying the 'r' which made both men snigger. After Roman entertaining him for a few more minutes Grey returned to Virgil, reaching up to his black hair and patting it. Virgil dyed his hair a lot, last month it was purple, the month before that lilac (he had a theme with his hair dye) but last week he decided to change it up a little and dye his hair back to his natural black but adding grey tips to the edges to give it a bit of spice. This seemed to interest Grey a lot, making him giggle and even Virgil smile. "P-etty..."

"Thank you kiddo..." Virgil smiled, gazing into Grey's big doe brown eyes and absolutely falling in love. "Ro - Is it too early to say I want to adopt this little guy?"

Grey gasped at that and clapped his little hands, absolutely overjoyed. Roman stood and picked him up quickly before helping Virgil stand, and the couple went towards the marquee where all the social workers, including Patton, were sitting and having coffee. Patton looked even more happy spotting his two favourite adopters holding a happy but messy Grey.

"There he is!" Patton ran over and took Grey out of Roman's arms, tickling him and getting a napkin to try and clean him up. "This little guy toddles off a lot from the marquee, did he find you?"

"I think he chose us to be his parents." Roman laughed, bringing his arm around Virgil. Grey looked so proud of himself and tried to reach for Roman and Virgil again but Patton sighed. All four of them were now covered in food because of the little toddler. But then Patton smiled realising what Roman was insinuating.

"I'll put you down as prospective adoptive parents of this little guy." Patton cheered, carrying Grey away. Grey waved goodbye as he was taken away, and the couple waved back just as enthusiastically.

"Bye-bye!" Grey's shout was heard across the park and his hands flailed very cutely. Virgil leant into Roman's chest as both of them waved back.

"Bye-bye, son."

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