(133) On The Other End of Zoom Part 2 - Analogical

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Summary: After spending years with no friends whatsoever Virgil meets up with a boy from one of his online classes. And he's pretty hot, really hot in fact.

... Not me already considering a part 3 of this particular AU because I adore Analogical so much XD.

Words: 1210

"Virgil's leaving his room! It must be the end of days!" Virgil sighed as his little sister spotted him in the corridor. She gasped and immediately sprinted downstairs. "And he's dressed in jeans!"

"Where are you heading V?" Virgil's mom cheered, rubbing some sand off her toddler's shoes as she smiled at her oldest son. The teen shrugged and grabbed the extra pair of house keys. He placed his earphones in his ears as he spoke quickly and with his usual snap.

"Meeting a friend."

"Is it that Logan kid?" Virgil's father came into the room in his military uniform and a smile on his face. He glanced at his wife in a laugh - the two had never imagined their son would make a friend so quickly from his online classes.

Virgil only scowled and turned on Spotify. He may have talked way too much about Logan, but they had been texting everyday for three weeks and every conversation that happened the closer the two felt. And now they were finally going to meet in person. "I'll be down Yaqui Street, you'll see me again at 5pm unless I text a change."


When Virgil knocked on the door of Logan's address, he was surprised when there was no answer. Of course the panic set in first that he accidentally got the address wrong so he turned to his text messages.

Virgil: Hey Lo I think I'm outside?

There was a second of no response until Logan read the message, then the nearby garage door started to slowly open. After Virgil flinched and got his bearings together he received a response text.

Logan: I'm in the garage - my parents are at work.

"Hey, Virgil?" A shout came from the garage making Virgil turn. Logan was smiling at Virgil, a hand on the exterior wall as he stepped forward. He looked exactly as he did on Zoom. His brown curls were almost free but held by a simple blue hair-tie, and instead of the button-up he wore for classes he was dressed in a dark blue set of overalls with pins showing the NASA logo, a pride pin, a he/him badge and a simple symbol of a brain. "It's so great to finally see you in person! Hi, sorry I'm a little sweaty." 

The hand definitely was sweaty but he shook Logan's hand anyway, a smile creeping on his face as he finally saw his friend. "Mind coming with me to the garage? Just got some work to finish up." Virgil believed, after talking to Logan for so long, said work would be an essay or maybe a woodworking project. He was surprised to see a car surrounded by different scraps of metal. "I've almost completed this - and then I can take you for a ride."

"Where are you going to take me?" Virgil smirked, leaning against the garage door as Logan went under the hood again. 

"Wherever you want to be taken. You are new to the area anyway." Even though Virgil couldn't see Logan he could still somewhat admire him, one leg crooked as he hammered and screwed. There was some unusual serotonin in his chest just watching Logan concentrate so hard.

It was nice to be friends with someone like him, at least that's what Virgil took the extra happiness as. Most teens his age were tied to the limited conversations of teachers and classes and schedules that it was hard to talk to people his own age. But since Logan was also in online school he didn't have any of that. "Am I your first American friend from your classes?" Virgil chuckled, bringing a hand through his hair as Logan perked out of the car and looked around aimlessly.

"Hey do you mind getting the screwdriver from the desk over there?" Virgil was immediately brought into work and got a screwdriver from the nearby toolbox, making the young mechanic smirk as he took it. "Thank you. And as for your question... I did meet someone from Texas via my Grade 9 Algebra class but he turned out to be a homophobe."

"Ugh, people are the worst." Virgil wasn't gay or in any part of the LGBTQ+ community, he knew he was as basic as could be, but he never understood how people in his day and age could even be any sort of homophobic. Being gay, asexual, bisexual or pansexual was completely normal. Virgil always considered himself a strong ally.

"That's why I'm glad we found each other. Not many people are outwardly queer in this part of town." Logan said that as if it was nothing, his head hidden under the bonnet. "Hammer?"

Virgil handed the hammer quietly and thought of a response. Why did Logan think he wasn't cis-het? Was there something about him, some quality he had yet to know about himself? What made him seem different? 

"Um... I'm not... Y'know." Of course Virgil's cheeks had to pinken at this. But it was nothing really, Virgil was assured that he liked girls. I mean he never really had a crush on a girl but that was because he didn't know many girls his age. Celebrities were cute though - even though Chris Hemsworth was on a different level...

"Really? Oh, sorry to assume." Logan dragged himself away from the car, oil in his hair that he quickly brushed away with a wet brush. The sharp breath in was involuntary - and wow his cheeks were heating up. He was just anxious, that's it, he was hanging out with a new friend and it had already gone off to an awkward start. It wasn't because his hair was loose and still looked flawless covered in water... "Can you hear what I'm saying?" Logan had opened the door to his car and was leaning on it with a smirk. Virgil shook his head. "Want to help me take this baby out for a ride?"

"Do you have a license?" That was a stupid question, of course Logan did. They were both in junior year of high school. Of course intelligent Logan would have a driving license.

"Yep, and my Dad said this is my car now it should be fixed. He's all for the life skills stuff." Logan fiddled a little with one of the knobs as he spoke, he really seemed to know how to work an entire car presumably just by teaching himself. "So... I'll ask the question again, where do you think I should take you?"

Virgil met eyes with Logan and lost his breath again. His eyes were just so big, even though they were hidden by glasses. And they sparkled too like stars. It was undeniable that Logan was a beautiful man but that didn't make Virgil attracted to him.

But then again... Was there ever a time he felt like this around a girl? Maybe he was developing a little crush on his new Arizona friend. He knew he needed time to fully comprehend that but he'd happily just spend time with Logan as his friend instead. But Virgil's mind wondered back to the car journey to Arizona - when he never comprehended even talking to anyone local. "Let's go to the hiking range down the road."

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