(97) Final Goodbye - platonic Loceit (and Logince)

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Summary: Logan hasn't seen his family for 10 years after coming out to them - and they didn't take it well. The only family member Logan talks to, his cousin Janus, comes to visit with some bad news that doesn't change anything but does at the same time.

TW - This whole chapter surrounds parental grief and estrangement due to sexuality. 

Words: 1670

The last knot being completed on Logan's tie indicated he was ready for the day. He didn't have work until the afternoon but he still felt the need to dress up in a suit so he wasn't rushing just before. As he walked slowly to the kitchen he smiled at the pictures on the walls. There weren't any family pictures like normal people had - there were a lot of pictures of his achievements. People thought Logan was a little narcissistic because of it of course but he had a good reason to be estranged to his family. The only picture Logan had of him as a child was him sat with his favourite cousin Janus who was the same age as him. That cousin was the only person Logan spoke to.

Beside the scarce pictures of Logan's achievements was a growing collage of the love of Logan's life - Roman Redd. They had been dating for a couple of years and safe to say Logan was absolutely and completely in love. Roman was a waiter at Logan's favourite restaurant downtown so as well as falling in love with the food he fell in love with the cheery man's charisma. They had just seemed to find each other by chance and everything from friendship, romance, and now possibly living together was in the talks and it was all going smoothly.

"Keys..." Logan was blindly talking to himself and wondering around the apartment thinking through his day. He had 10 episodes of Brooklyn-99 to binge, then work where he had to organise three meetings with software developers about his business plans, and then Roman wanted to 'hang out' and have an impromptu date after dealing with the annoying public all day. Roman practically lived with his boyfriend already they had so many dates.

Half way through the second episode of Brooklyn-99 Logan's bell rang indicating someone was wanting to get into his apartment. Probably Roman wanting cuddles. "Hello?" Logan called through the intercom, expecting to hear his lover's sing-songs voice saying he brought some Disney discs and Logan should finally watch the Lion King. But he was greeted by a different voice - a more macabre voice.

"Hey Lo, I came for a visit. Can you let me in?"

Logan had never heard his cousin sound upset before, they were usually quite good together at being non-expressive. But he mumbled an agreement and unlocked the door, waiting at the front door for Janus to knock again. When he finally saw his cousin Janus let go a small smile that was obviously faked. "What's wrong Jan?"

"I have some news." Janus had his hands in his pockets and he walked to the sofa, pausing the TV for the homeowner. Logan followed cautiously and sat down opposite him - too confused to say anything. "Have you talked to your parents recently?"

"Not in 10 years." Logan's parents were homophobic, they didn't take their son's coming out well. He was their 'most promising' kid as he was relatively smart all his life so they were distraught such a good guy could provide no kids. He could - he just didn't particularly want to. Not until he was married and comfortable with Roman anyway. At this point Logan was settled with the fact his parents may not love him and was happy finding the love in other places. "Why do you ask? What happened?" Janus' expression already showed that something had happened and he bit his lips in thought before speaking again.

"Um... Well, your mom died last night."

Janus was a policeman so was used to saying shocking things brashly. And this was shocking - last time Logan even saw his mother was five years ago at another cousin's marriage and they stayed civil but didn't talk much. She was perfectly healthy though and there was no news of any illnesses reported to him. This just all seemed so sudden, like a joke. "Did she tell you to say that so she wouldn't feel guilty about my annual texts on her birthday?"

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