Coming Home Late

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All your baby girl wanted was her dad. She was still too young to understand why he wasn't there most of the time to put her to bed. Some nights it made you cry. Your son on the other hand was 17 and understood completely. He would help around and read her stories but she still called for him.


"Yeah?" You answered to Tommy as you wiped away some tears from your cheek.

"I can stay if you want me too. I don't have to go out tonight."

"No. You go out and have fun with your friends sweetie. Thanks for putting Lily to bed."

"You sure?" You nodded and sent him out. You loved how helpful he was unlike your husband. You knew his job was stressful. Being both an actor and musician but he had responsibilities at home too. He wanted this family as much as you did. He had texted you saying he was at the studio and would be home soon enough. While you waited you kept yourself busy doing the dishes. Washing and drying them and a load of laundry. Doing the same. You waited and waited he still hadn't shown up. You sighed in frustration looking at the clock to see it was 11. The door opened and you stood up but it wasn't Jared.

"I'm sorry mom." Tommy said going over and giving you a hug.

"It's not your fault babe."

"I'll see you in the morning. Get some sleep." He kissed your cheek and went upstairs to his room you assumed. You sat back down and watched as the time went by slowly. By the time you were ready to go to bed at 1 the door opened again. This time it was your husband.

"What's wrong?" Wa a the first thing he had asked as soon as he saw your face.

"It's one in the morning that's what's wrong. You texted me saying you were going to be on your way home soon at 8. I expected you home at 8:30 or 9 at the least. Not one in the fucking morning. Jared this has gone on all week but I've said nothing."

"So why are you saying something now?"

"Because I'm pissed! I've snapped!" You whisper yelled trying to keep your voice down.

"It breaks my heart when I have to tell our little girl that her daddy can't tuck her in because he's not home. Tommy gets her down but I can always hear her calling for you. It's always me or Tommy who's waking up to her cries. Telling her she doesn't have to be afraid of the dark!"

"So all you really want is for me to be here."

"Yes you idiot. Not for me but for your baby girl. She missed you Jared. I miss you. Even Tommy misses you."

"Moms not lying." You turned your head to see Tommy standing there.

"Lily woke up and I heard you guys talking. Dad we need you here too. She was just calling for you."

"I'll go tuck her in." He disappeared up the stairs.

"Sweetheart thank you for checking on her but I need you to go to bed too. You've got school in the morning."

"Yeah I know. Love you mom. Goodnight."

"Love you too. Night." He went up and you went ahead taking yourself to bed. Not before stopping in front of her room. There was Jared singing to her and you could see her smile as she closed her eyes. You snuck away and got dressed for bed. You heard the door shut and hands on your waist. Turning you body.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I haven't been the worlds best dad this past week. I know our kids well our Lily needs me. You need me. Tommy is his own man now it seems. I'm going to try and be around a lot more. I miss you guys too but I let work consume all of me. I love you Y/N and our family. I promise to try harder."

"I believe you. You always seem to keep to your word. When it counts anyway. I love you too Jay. Sorry for calling you an idiot."

"It's alright. I deserved it." He kissed you passionately and you both got in bed. He pulled you close to his body not letting you go.

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