interview 1 @Dream_Craziness

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1 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

 Oh wow. That's a killer question! What IS my schedule, or what would I LIKE it to be? haha. Currently, my writing schedule is to write whenever I have time. Usually, at night after 9pm until I fall asleep with my laptop in my lap.

 2 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

 I guess if I HAD to pick, I'd say Christmas. I love the Holiday Season (the time between Thanksgiving and New Years). The entire season is just so magical, it gives me warm and fuzzy feelings! I don't like receiving gifts though; I much prefer giving. I LOVE giving gifts to family and friends. It warms my heart. 

3 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

 I love interacting with people on WP. The platform is so reader/writer friendly and I LOVE hearing from readers, step-by-step as they read. The inline comments and end of chapter comments are !!! 

4 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment? 

YES! OMG. You have NO idea how excited I still get each time I see a new comment, follow, or vote. My heart sings.

 5 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

Geez. Do I really have to pick just one? haha. Let's see... I think I'd love to grab coffee and chill at a little café with Cassandra Clare.

 6 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

Currently, I'm digging the song, Beautiful Drug, by Zac Brown Band.

 7 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

 A newcomer to Wattpad in general? As a reader or writer? Hmm. As a reader I say, expand far and wide! Devour as much as you can, across as many different people as you can. Be positive! Don't be a troll. As a writer - take that leap of faith. My heart still pounds when I put out something new. But, You Got This! Don't take any negative comments to heart, treat them as a lesson learned (or just simply ignore). Don't ever engage with Trolls, they're not worth your time.

8 what's your dream vacation?

 Relaxing on a beach. Camping at the lake or in the mountains. Visiting new places, never before seen. Road trip - where you just drive and see where you end up.

 9 how would you spend a rainy day?

 Dream day? Either playing board games, reading, or watching a movie marathon! 

10 Who is your favorite author? 

*Sigh* Another HARD question. Geez. I LOVE so many, but I'd say Cassandra Clare is high on the list. 

11 what's your favorite book? 

Pride & Prejudice 

Request time!

Currently, THE ROGUE'S FATE is published on Amazon. You can check out the beginning on Wattpad. The 2nd in the series isn't published yet, so the draft is still fully available on Wattpad! Why should you read it? Lucinda is a strong female with a soft heart. One of the best comments I ever received was that " helped me get through hard times. When I needed inner strength, I thought of Lucinda..."

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