interview #4 @JesskyaBradbury

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1 what's a tip you'd pass to a newcomer?

If you want to advertise your book, go to and find the appropriate topic to post it at. Don't post it too much and it'll annoy other fellas. And I highly suggest to enjoy and interact with people an become friends.

2 what's one Wattpad goal?

I guess write something is more worthwhile again like a real story, not the short stories or stuff like that soon.

3 what's your favorite book?

Pffft easy, "Got Guts?" By @Ellen_Reese I'm completely obsessed with her book and I read all her books already. Nd I even created Got Guts? fanfic.. I'm not ashamed

4 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

I love the threads! I can chat my friends and new people and make new friends! That's my most favorite part and I love reading everyone else's imaginations and their stories. It's very inspiring and magical.

5 What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I enjoy good harmonies songs and some classics! I love "Here Comes the Sun," by the Beatles. "Never Alone," by Barlow Girls and lots of Billie Elisih's music.

6 Who is your favorite author?


She created Got Guts?, Nuclear Blood, Monster Run, and her Nightmare Journal! It's all great! She's very cool, likeable, sweet, kind, and very supportive. She'll comment on everything you comment on her books.

7 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

Mostly in study hall which is a class in school where you can have free time to do homework and stuff. I work on stories at that class except Tuesdays and Fridays. And I also write in the mornings on the weekends.

8 what's your dream vacation?

Wherever my friends are and one other exact location.. Jared Padalecki's House ;)

9 what inspired you to write?

Well my best friend got me into this website, mostly because I wrote a passage from my English class and she loved that piece and recommended me to try out Wattpad and share. It's The Wallpaper and I'm working on a new chapter and I need to work on that too as well.

10 how would you handle a bully?

I have handled a bully before, I'm a deaf student and I used to be picked all the time in elementary school and a little in middle school but that's a different reason. I reported to couple teachers and walked away. I have gotten involved into school fight in middle school one time. This boy was horrible and a jerk. He doesn't just bully me, he even bullied my friend who has Haphephobia, which is a phobia that people doesn't like being touched. Someday he keeps poking him and never stops. 

11 what's the best way to spend a rainy day?

Watch hallmark movies, eat ice-cream, play Trivia Pursuit with my mom.

Request time!

I recommend reading The Nightmare, it's a little based in real life and it's about Katy who gets nightmares about elevators, she gets bullied in school, she goes to therapy. And there's a little romance chick flick in it 

 And there's a little romance chick flick in it 

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