interview #5 @Adventuregirl07

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1 what's the best way to handle a bully? 

When I first went to the school my mom and dad told me this lineSticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? This line helped me .........The best way to handle a bully is if you get bulled by someone first tell your parents the entire story.Report bullying and victimization incidents to the school this is what I believe the most. And also ignore if they are teasing you. Try to stay away from them

2 what is your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is the Summer Vacation holidays because it is quite long and everyone gets a holiday. and we can enjoy the holidays with all the family members. and this is the time we get to learn new things which are not familiar to us. this the time wer can gfo for camps, cruise, adventures, learn different languages, exploring new places, etc... and this is the time we students are out of the pressure of our studies. and I think that these are the holidays in which we can refresh our mind and ve can start a new academic year with full of energy so, my favorite holidays are the Summer holidays

 3 how would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

I will celebrate it with my family and people who have supported me to become a professional author. 

4 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

Yes, I still get surprised when i get new vote, follow and comment by new people. The first question that comes in my mind is that" how did they find my story?", and "did they really loved it? " this what i feel,,,,,,,,,

5 what's your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is The Avengers Endgame... It is just Apocryphal. People who are found of Action movies should really watch it.

 6 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

Writing schedule; I get up early in the morning so that I can get new and nice ideas. I prefer getting up early. In the afternoon ii have my writing time where I just write. I get ideas for my story from different, books and also, by seeing the movements of the people around me. I get inspiration from them. After my writing gets over I prefer myself giving a prize to myself like a cake, or something else...........

7 what's one Wattpad goal?

Wattpad Goals: One's Goal is to become a 'WATTPAD STAR'. Everyone dreams that their story should get good reviews from the people. Their story should get name and fame. They should be interviewed by people.....

 8 what inspired you to write? 

I got inspired by my favorite writer Sudha Murthy tell the truth, I believed in magic and supernatural power;)this inspired me to further write new stories...... When I was young I used to watch many movies of action, adventure, and enchantment or magic...this is how I got inspired.............

9 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

If i great to hang out with my favorite e celebrate then I would prefer Taylor Swift......... And if I get a chance then I would spend enter day out of home, showing her all the new things. We would talk about different books, and just like me she too like Harry Potter Series. We could talk about it for hours. We would have read many new books and at the end of the day, I would gift her some of my favorite books. I will ask her some questions. i will show her my friends, and also take her autography. I will take her to an orphanage where she can be free. And what I know is that she is really good at spending time with kids. And loves them. I will show her some of writings and also some of the songs which I have written.....

10 how would you spend a rainy day? 

I know that know one likes when it rains so, what i prefer is Cooking something which is crispy like French fries, etc....... as I love cooking i always do that... If not cooking then I like to a bookworm, I like to read or I write something or other....Sometimes i make coffee or tea and i enjoy the rain. And sometimes enjoying the rain brings you new ideas for the story..... If you are a young, you can play some games like making a blanket fort, that is the best.....;) or you can play with cards or if you are alone then you make a building of cards or building cardboard city............

11 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

For a newcomer, he or she showed read many books as possible before publishing their story. Follow many people as possible. Meet new people, take advice from them. By reading to other stories we can idea what we are lacking. As you will be having follower, when you write something they can guide you or support you..... This is my piece of advice to the newcomer. I cannot advice many things because I am also new to wattpad...what mistakes I have made, should not be made by someone else, this is my piece of advice to the newcomer...

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My Books name is THE ADVENTURE OF 12 TEENAGERS... I prefer readers to read my book because, if you are found of action, adventure, magic, and mystery, you can find these things in my story. If you want any idea regarding teamwork it is in my story..... If the reader what's to get an idea for their adventure story then they can read mine. In my story, the friends are good to each other and when they get power, how they face the problem and destroy the Evil Power is given in my story, so I think that the readers should read my story.....

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