interview #5 @biffyclyro82

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1 what's one tip you'd give a newcomer?

I'd tell them to take their time. Writing doesn't have to be rushed. Writer'sblock is normal and don't freak out if (when) you get it. Wait, was that threetips?

2 what's your favorite book?

On Wattpad, my favourite book is In Between Two Alphas – I've read it so many times, I could take an exam on it. I first discovered it when I was 12 and to this day (6 years later), I still find myself going back to read it again.

Not on Wattpad – my favourite book is Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce.

3 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Definitely Christmas. I love decorating the house, eating whatever I want and being able to spend time with family.

4 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I don't have a schedule. I tried to have one but failed. I don't like having timepressures with my writing so schedules are a huge no-no for me.

5 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

I love the fact that I was able to meet such amazing and wonderful people onhere. I joined a Wattpad community called Majestic Inc. a few months ago and itwas one of the best decisions ever. We're like a huge family!

6 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I would celebrate with those who are the closest to me. I would go out with my family and have a huge meal. Then at night, I would go out with my friends where drinks may or may not be involved

7 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment?

Oh, for sure and I hope I always will be.

8 what's your dream vacation?

New York. I went last summer and it was freaking amazing. Even though I've beenthere before, it still is a dream vacation for me. I want to explore otherparts of New York if I get the chance to.

9 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

I would choose Amy Plum and I would ask for advice on how to keep motivated with writing when you feel like throwing your book away.

10 how would you spend a rainy day?

Inside. Hibernating. In my bed. Watching YouTube. In pajamas.

11 what's one of your Wattpad goals?

To have two or more fully finished books.

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'Loved By The Wolf' is the first and only book that I have written. If you love teen fiction mixed with werewolves and the odd British saying then there's a chance you'll enjoy this book!

 If you love teen fiction mixed with werewolves and the odd British saying then there's a chance you'll enjoy this book!

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