interview #22 @DarrenDean1

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1 What is your favorite book?

A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin.

2 What's one wattpad goal?

I think it would be crazy cool to have one of my stories hit a million reads. Because that million mark has always seemed so insanely impossible to me? 

3 How would you spend a rainy day?

Ideally, reading and/or writing in front of a big bay window overlooking the ocean. So that I can see the lightning hit the water and watch the storm waves roll in from the sea. Preferably with pizza, and an extended happy hour. 

4 What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

"You're Gonna Go Far Kid" by The Offspring

5 What's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

The best advice I can think of to give a newcomer to WP is to be brave and bold. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, and to tell your story in your own unique way. 

6 What's your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is most definitely Halloween. Because it's the one holiday where you can let your freak flag fly and show our true spooky spirit to the rest of the world. And the trick-or-treat factor doesn't hurt either. LOL 

7 What's your schedule regarding your writing?

Honestly, my schedule tends to vary, depending on where I am in a particular story. When I am in the creative flow, I can literally write for days straight. But when I have to go in editing mode, it's a lot like pulling teeth. So I have to force myself to stick to a strict schedule.

8 If you could spend a day with your favorite author and gain advice from them, who would you choose and what would you ask?

Hunter S. Thompson. I would love know how he was able to tap into that crazy Gonzo style of writing. 

9 What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

Most definitely, the cascading comments that people leave on stories as they are reading through them. I love the engagement element of the comments back and forth between readers and writers. I have found that some of the most interesting observations and conversations can happen in between the lines of a story. I know when I wake up and see 100+ comments on my notifications, that it is already going to be an interesting day on some level.

10 Who is your favorite celebrity?

Miley Cyrus, because she is insanely honest or honestly insane? Either way, it is always interesting to me what she is going to do or say next. 

11 What is your favorite movie?

Recent: Deadpool

Retro: Heathers (1988)

Classic: Rebel Without a Cause

Foreign: The Killer (Chow Yun-fat)

Request time!
"The Snake Eater's Daughter"

A high school coming-of-age story, that revolves around a uniquely aggressive girl trying to find her place in the modern world.

Desdemona Hunter is the kind of girl who has always owned more knives than Barbie's. Who can field strip an AK-47 assault rifle in five minutes, blindfolded, upside down and in the rain. And Krav Maga anyone who "looks at her wrong" into a painful pretzel of broken bones.

After the death of both her parents, she is officially a war-orphan, and her life has taken a very dark turn for the seriously surreal. Her once happy home life has been reduced to ashes. Sent off to live with a "sorta-second-cousin" she has never met, has not exactly been heaven for anyone.

Worse yet, she is soon going to be forcibly relocated to the last place on earth that a girl like Demona should ever be sent to against her will ...a normal public high school. So the burning question is not whether she will survive high school? But will Woodland Hills High School survive the Snake Eaters Daughter?

 So the burning question is not whether she will survive high school? But will Woodland Hills High School survive the Snake Eaters Daughter?

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