Interview #47 @GMTSchuiling

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1 what's one Wattpad goal?

For each of my books to rise in rank and ultimately peak in the top 20 of a major category on Wattpad.

 2 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

I'd like to hang out with Priyanka Chopra for a day! Crossing boundaries like she has requires unprecedented strength, in my humble opinion. I'd like to have a little bit of her fearlessness rub off on me!

3 who is your favorite author? 

My favorite author would have to be George R. R. Martin. He is the one who got me interested in reading again, which lead to me trying my hand at writing. I aspire to become as fluid and vivid in my prose as I can be to his.

4 what's your favorite holiday and why?

My favorite "holiday" is Christmas. I begin to prepare more that 3 months in advance starting on October 1. It's just so full of joy, love, laughter, reflection and giving that it truly is the most wonderful time of the year for me.

 5 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I give myself a goal of writing 500 words a day during the weekdays or catching up by writing 2,500 on the weekend. I think it's quite an achievable goal in terms of word count, but it is the act of writing every day that is the best routine to have.

 6 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment? 

Most authors and writers I have come to know suffer from imposter syndrome. On the days in which we can't fathom why or who would ever read anything we write, a vote, follow or comment can make all the difference!

7 what's your favorite movie?

My all time favorite would have to be The Usual Suspects. No movie has knocked me off my feet with plot twists ever since.

 8 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams.

9 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Reach Out. Whether it's here on Wattpad by reading, competing or joining a book club, or on social media, platforms can only benefit you if they are active. They are so many people who can be constant sources of inspiration and assistance, if you only continue to reach out.

 10 how would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

I would celebrate a publishing deal by going on said holiday, reread George R. R. Martin's books, watch The Usual Suspects, sing and dance to Summer of 69!

11 what's your dream vacation?

There is nothing much I wouldn't give for a holiday in a culture and history-rich town, where I can explore by day and write in serenity at night. Both are so hard to come by in the hustle and bustle of city life that I crave for such times and places where we can really connect with the world and our own selves.

 Request time!

"With the pace of a thriller and ideas from science fiction, The Watchmaker's Doctor takes us on Anaya's journey of discovery through shifts in time. In doing so, it has things to say about the choices we make and how we might live our life differently." - Roisin Heycock, Director of YA and Children's list at Oneworld, winner of the Booker Prize 2015 and 2016. "The Watchmaker's Doctor is a thought-provoking look at the nature of free will, at the same time as an intimate picture of one girl's growth to adulthood. I'd also highly recommend it to anyone interested in seeing an unsensationalised depiction of life with bipolar disorder." - Anna Bowles, former Commissioning Editor at Hachette UK.

" - Anna Bowles, former Commissioning Editor at Hachette UK

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