interview #28 @surreal-syllxbles

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1 what's your favorite book?

hard to say. i like afterworlds by Scott Westerfeld, valkyrie by kate o'hearn, lodestar by shannon messenger and the blood of Olympus by rick riordian. i can't really choose, haha.

2 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

my writing schedule is pretty regular and consistent. i update every weekend, so sometimes on Friday all the way to Sunday. i think it's key to make sure your readers trust you to get chapters in.

3 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

if you have a story idea, write it down and sit on it for a while. if you still want to write it a few weeks later then chances are you won't discontinue. oh, and make sure to write out a plot beforehand. it makes sure your book doesn't go on forever and helps keep writers block at bay; you already thought up the idea!

4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

i would probably choose either Sabrina carpenter or rick riordian. i just want to know how they do it.

5 how would you spend a rainy day?

definitely inside, reading a book to music.

6 what's your favorite movie?

ooh, toughie. to all the boys is one of my faves, but i also love watching Hercules. 

7 what's your favorite holiday and why?

my favorite holiday is Christmas, because i just love the spirit of giving and making people happy.

8 what's your dream vacation?

a writers retreat to New York city. but somewhere soundproof, hopefully.

9 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

i would probably tell all of my friends and sit in bed, eat ice cream, scream in happiness, the works. i have no idea. I'd either be in shock or i would be over the moon.

10 what inspired you to write?

i was a huge reader long before i was ever a writer. at some point i just wanted to be the one making other people as happy as i was to read the books, to be the author who wrote the book two people are fangirling over. i just fell in love with words and gave it my all.

11 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

another tough one. hmm. When You Love Someone by James TW holds a special place in my heart and is just altogether inspiring ❣

Request time!

Please consider checking out my story, In Her Shoes, if you like to laugh and try to figure out who you are besides a total weirdo! It'll seem cliche at first but it's an authentic ending you'll never see coming. Give it a shot:)

 Give it a shot:)

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