interview #22 @molly_grace_s

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1 what's your favorite book?

there are too many to choose from, but one of my favorites is The Fault in Our Stars

2 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Halloween. Because everything about it is fun and crazy.

3 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Quality over content. Make sure that what you're posting is the best quality that you can produce and not just focusing on how many chapters you can upload.

4 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

again, there are so many. I think I would have to go with High Hopes by Panic at theDisco.

5 what's one Wattpad goal?

one Wattpad goal of mine is to reach 10M reads and gain over 15k followers.

6 Who is your favorite author?

John Green 

7 how would you spend a rainy day?

Either laying in bed watching YouTube and writing or going out with friends to watch amovie.

8 if you could hang out with your favorite for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I'd choose Tom Huddleston. Honestly I believe just sitting down and talkingwould be good enough.

9 what's your dream vacation?

my dream vacation is to go to LA for awhile.

10 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I actually already have a published book. When I saw that I got so excited.However, in the future I would want to try and publish with a huge company.

11 what's your favorite snack?

my favorite snack would have to be fruit.

Request time!

The Alpha's Hurt Rogue. You should read this because it has a lot of action, but deep talks and connections between the two main characters.

 You should read this because it has a lot of action, but deep talks and connections between the two main characters

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