interview #16 @ragexian

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1 what inspired you to write? 

Reading books for many years made me want to voice my own imaginations and mould them into the stories that others would like to read and appreciate.

2 what's your favorite holiday and why?

23rd March, a national day on which I get to snuggle in my comfy bed and watch army's parade on TV.

 3 who is your favorite author? 

Scarlet Daisyblack

4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

I would choose Enrique Iglesias and make him sing in front of me while I watch silently.

5 how would you spend a rainy day?

I'll go out and find some bench under a tree. Sit on it and silently watch raining while lost in my own thoughts.

 6 what's the best way to handle a bully?

By being tough mentally and physically. You must know that your biggest enemy is your own mind and all you have to fear is your own mind. So why not befriend it and make it dance around your fingers!

 7 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Read more and more before you start writing, so that you can distinguish between good and bad content.

 8 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

'loco' is my favourite song. It is Spanish one, sung by my favorite singer 'Enrique Iglesias'

 9 what's your favorite book

'Bullied' is my favorite book. Actually it's a series so i equally enjoy the entire series. The last book has yet to be published.

10 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

I prefer to publish chapter once in a week. But during my exams, I don't get time. But now I'm planning to publish a chapter daily of the ongoing book from the second week of next month.

11 what's one Wattpad goal?

I want to put some meaning to my books and get them completed. The more I can write and put my message out to the world, the better.

 Request time!

'zodiac romance' is my first book that got completed beside poetry books. I have a huge fascination and interest in zodiac signs and have read to extreme. Now I want to write romance stories about twelve zodiac signs regarding their true personalities. Zodiac romance is the first book in the series. I expect readers to read this first pillar in the series and get to know my style. I hope they would join me in the journey as a family and enjoy all along with me.

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