summer promotions and check ins

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check ins

Since my interview-again, feels like years ago-much has happened. The book I featured-Home-went through big revisions/edits & is now part of the Wattpad Mentorship Program! Once that's over, I plan to start querying for it.

I just finished massive edits of my two paranormal books, Ghost Portal & Carnivorous Cupid, and have been submitting them to a number of awards & contests. I do plan to query soon for Ghost Portal.

As I said during last check-in, I've been writing Historical Fiction, too. My Watty-longlisted story, The Golden Flower, is being expanded and continues to grow, gathering fans along the way. And its sequel, The Golden Girl, is now at over 6K views! It's been an incredible experience. I have a sequel to THAT, too, and it recently passed 1K views. I'm currently working on book 4 and plotting spin-offs for several characters.

As usual, I've been busy judging, reviewing books, while polishing my own. The only thing that's really changed is... I work even more than before?! If that's even possible!


It's closing in on a year since @booksbyLwordpress interviewed me. Since then, I met my goal of completing Never Go Home, my YA dystopian novel. In November, Wattpad featured it in its Editor's Choice list which was a ton of fun. I started its sequel, Shasta, for my Nanowrimo project and failed spectacularly. Such is the writing life. The story was just not coming, so I moved on to writing a NA fantasy novel, Through the Wall, that features apocalyptic faeries! I hope to complete that first draft and then move back to completing my dystopian duology.



So! Previously on my life!

And when I say life I mean my books' life cause really that's the only life I'm interested in talking about. Though personally I've faced wild adventures over the last couple of months, but because security reasons I cannot talk about them. ;)

Now! The life of my books has taken a wild turn! My latest book A Gypsy's Tale (Teen Fiction/Fantasy book about a girl whose life is through off course when he saves a man from drowning and her uncle dies) was just completed! So, woohoo for the chance to binge! I'm thrilled without it turned out and the positive response from all the readers who went on the journey with me!

But since I would not be me without a book being constantly updated, I posted a whole new story called Tristan's Decision! This one I'm excited to share because it's interactive. That means depending on what you - the reader - decide changes which way the story will go! It's my first interactive story and I could not be more pleased with the reception it's already gotten!

On top of that of course my brain is always whirring and I'm mapping out two different stories, I'm writing two more (one will be posted after Tristan's Decision is complete), finding new little scenes to add to Classified (a companion book to A Secret Service told from Donovan's POV) and as always coming up with ideas that surprise and intrigue me!

Haha it's amazing I sleep at night will all the crazy stuff in my brain...okay, well I have insomnia...this might be the cause! Worth it!

So that's me in a nutshell! :)

After The Love Triangle, I finished book 2 "The Dark Forest", book 3 "Takers" and I am currently working on book 4 of The Love Triangle series which is called "Black Fallen Time" ❤️


I started a new book called The Abyss. It's a high fantasy genre that takes place in another dimension. (Naturally xD). It could be considered as Mermaid dystopian. Other than my new project there's nothing to report, since my feed has been really quit.

Edition #4 Meet The Authors (April 2019 To September 2019)Where stories live. Discover now