interview #26 @Antionicha

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1. If you could gain advice from you favorite author , who would you ask and what would you ask?

Wow another hard question, there are so many amazing authors out there it's so hard to choose, but if I ever had the chance I would ask @wonderlust_charlz I chose her because she's such an amazing person and writer. The question I would ask her would be how I could gain more experience in writing.

2. Who's your favorite celeb?

That would be Lalisa Manoban. I'm freaking love and admire her, she's such an amazing dancer and rapper and she's so freaking cute! Like a little kawaii baby in need of love and care.

3. What's your favorite book?

Wow hard question as I lose interest really quickly it's kind of hard for me to have a favorite anything, but one book that I still reread again and again would be "Her Barbarian Mate" which is written by @MrsDongHuaDijan and I'm kind of sad as it's on hold, but I'm going to wait patiently till it does start being updated again.

4. Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follower or comment?

Yes! Oh my god there are a lot times that I really feel like unpublishing my books as I really don't think they're any good, but when I see a new vote or comment on my book that feeling of insecurity I had vanishes and I'm freaking happy with my book again.

5. What is your favorite holiday and why?

As I live in south Africa and one era we really are known for is apartheid thankfully I was fortunate enough not to have lived through that and like I said we had lived, or should I say struggled through that era and a lot of wonderful holidays had been created from that so I'd have to choose Youth day which happens every June.

I chose Youth day as it signifies the battle youth had to face in those days to be able to have the freedom of choice we have today.

6. What inspired you to read?

My grade four English teacher. It's a funny story actually before I met her I didn't actually have any interest in reading or writing, but during our reading period she suddenly stopped the session while I was reading, and she sent one of my classmates to another teacher's class. When the teacher and the student arrived, she asked me to read again and of course I read again, but I was really confused. When I had finished reading she started boasting to the other teacher about how I read at a higher-grade level and that actually started me on my writing journey.

7. What's your dream vacation?

Uh wow that would definitely be traveling the world. I don't actually like being in one place for long and if I ever have the chance I would grab my passport and get on the next plane to wherever I need to go. It sounds cheesy I know, but that's my dream vacation.

8. What's one wattpad goal?

Again, simple answer to actually complete all of the works I have published at the moment and the works I have still in drafts and I have to say it's a lot!

9. How would you spend your rainy day?

Simple actually. I'd be sleeping in bed or reading a book with a cup of piping hot tea in my hand.

10. What's the best way to advice a wattpad newbie?

Like this is something I actually wish I was told when I first started on wattpad and that would be to practice. Like there are a lot of features on wattpad that you can fiddle with and somewhat get the jest of the app or website even if you aren't a pro with it yet. Practicing really helped. 

11. What's your favorite thing about wattpad?

Wow, that's a hard one to answer as there are many good points about wattpad, but if I have to choose. My favorite thing about wattpad would be the comment section, it's really amazing how you're able to communicate with authors and readers alike and it's actually through the comment section that I have made some really cool friends.

request time!

It would have to be my little baby "velvet dream" it's actually more or less the first book I had published on the account I had now. It's a love story about forgotten royalty, age gap romances and acceptance. I'm actually kind of upset with myself as it has reached the amount of parts that it should be and I apologize for that, but I actually am trying. Hehehe, but anyway that's actually one of the books I'd have to choose.

 Hehehe, but anyway that's actually one of the books I'd have to choose

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