interview #2 @christian-h

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1 what's your favorite book? 

It's not actually a book but a series of books. A German Sci-Fi series, started in the 1960s and still ongoing, based around and named after the main character, Perry Rhodan

2 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

I mostly write in the evenings or at night. I'm trying as much as possible to follow my inspiration, so that what I write doesn't feel forced. I try and write at least a little every day.

 3 who is your favorite author?

I don't have a favourite author as such. I enjoy and appreciate many different books from various authors and genres. Though I do have a preference for Sci-Fi.

 4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

I can't say that I have a favourite celebrity. I'd be happy to hang out with anyone, famous or not, as long as they can carry and interesting and intelligent conversation. Someone's fame doesn't really concern me... who they are as a person is much more relevant.

5 what's your favorite snack? 

Anything chocolate-related

6 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

Of course. I appreciate and value everyone who takes an interest in my writing. There is so much content out there, I can't and won't take anyone for granted

7 how would you spend a rainy day? 

Preferably indoors. With a good book or a good movie. If I'm not trying to write, that is, and if the cat lets me.

8 what's a good piece of advice for handling a bully?

Speak up. Don't keep quiet. If you keep it to yourself and let it happen, you give the bully more power over you.

 9 what's one Wattpad goal?

I'm on Wattpad to try and gather an audience for the Sci-Fi universe that I'm creating. I plan on writing a series of books that take place in the same timeline and a few characters will make repeat appearances.

 10 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Take the wife out to dinner somewhere nice and celebrate with her. She supports and pushes me greatly and is of much help overall.

 11 what's your favorite movie? 

without question: "Apollo 13"It gets me every time, and I've watched it over and over.

Request time!

My current main Wattpad project is "Life of a Dropship Pilot"It's a prequel to a more ambitious project that I'm working on and that will hopefully come to term sometime later this year. It sets the scene and gives background to my upcoming novel "A Dozen Souls",  focusing on the soldiers of 24th century Earth in their war against insurgent colonies.

 It sets the scene and gives background to my upcoming novel "A Dozen Souls",  focusing on the soldiers of 24th century Earth in their war against insurgent colonies

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