Chapter 11

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Soldiers do not have blood blades?

These four words have been echoed beside Gu Yuan's forehead. When the son said these words, he was full of arrogance.

Gu Yuan straightened up from a comfortable sofa and asked his son shamelessly, "Why don't you have a blood blade?"

Ji Qisen beckoned: "Come here."

Gu Yuan hurried up and ran to his son.

Ji Qisen unfolded his tablet: "Look here."

Gu Yuan looked down at him, and was surprised.

It turned out that this is a Weibo screenshot of Lu Zhiqian's black material. The picture above described how Lu Zhiqian was at a nightclub and a woman in a certain year and month, and even attached a picture. On the picture, Lu Zhiqian told the girl Take a picture of salty pig hands.

Gu Yuan took the tablet curiously, enlarged the picture, and looked carefully: "Is this him?"

Ji Qisen looked unpredictable: "Is it important?"

Gu Yuan stunned for a while, then happily patted the handle of the chair: "Yes, no matter what he is, let him hack before he says it!"

With that, she happily held the tablet and began to look remarkably with the comments below.

As soon as this Weibo came out, the fan below, tens of thousands of reposts in a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of comments, questioned, jealous, analytical, rhythmic, all major v public account marketing numbers have been dispatched.

Gu Yuan looked so excited that she was broadcasting live to Ji Qisen while watching.

"Ji Sen, look, this fan with over one million fans laughed at Lu Zhiqian, saying that this matter was basically hammered."

"Qi Sen Qi Sen, some people in the industry know the news and say that Lu Zhiqian's private life is chaotic!"

"Wow, someone else mentioned me and said I was a heavenly cauldron!"

Gu Yuan twitched his fingers dexterously. When she saw one who scolded Lu Zhiqian, he laughed, exaggerating the other's vision, and when he saw one who spoke for Lu Zhiqian, he gritted his teeth. Did you come out and chase the stars? "

After a while, she said with emotion: "These big v's are good, they can fly up with rhythm, and scold him for Lu Zhiqian!"

Then I was surprised: "Wow, some people have started to analyze the incident of Lu Zhiqian's fainting. Some people broke the news that it was Lu Zhiqian's poison. He was fainted when he was not active during the day! Some people also analyzed Lu Zhiqian's work and work in recent months arrangement!"

After a while, he shouted, "Qi Sen, Qi Sen, look at it, it's a real hammer, he's messing with the relationship between men and women!"

Ji Qisen raised an eyebrow: "Are you familiar with Weibo now?"

Very familiar are considered polite.

Why he thinks that she is so familiar with the explanation of Weibo movements, so she just rolled up her sleeves and put it on.

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