Ohne Titel Teil2

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He had sat down with her again.

"We saw shooting stars," said Mia. When Juanma looked at her a little questioningly, she said, "Alvaro and me. Yesterday and today too. But apparently our wishes didn't help."

"Mia, now wait and see. Nothing has been decided yet. My mother also wanted to talk to her again and I am sure Lupe will also stress Mercedes quite a bit about the matter "

Mia nodded." I tried not to show too much when I was with Alvaro because he was already so sad himself. But I'm really scared that he has to go. It's his last year and I was so happy that at least we still have that. "

Juanma took her hand. He knew he couldn't take her fear away. But he could make her feel close. He remembered waiting for Zoe's parents to make a decision. How much he feared that she would go away. Although Mia and the others had done everything to help him, he had felt alone. But without the others it would have been unbearable for him.

He got up and crouched down in front of Mia again. "I know, I can't take this fear away because I have no influence on the outcome of the decision. I can only tell you that Alvaro is crazy about you and I'm sure he will do everything possible  either stay at our school or do whatever it takes to see you as often as possible. And Javier and Ramiro will help him. Mercedes will not be able to destroy that. And I can only promise for my part that I will always be there for you and for him to help you or whatever you need. " Mia took him in her arms.

Juanma looked over her shoulder to see that a small light was going on in the hut. A moment later the door opened and Alvaro stood in the frame.

" Everything OK?" he whispered. Juanma nodded. Mia released Juanma and turned to Alvaro. "I just couldn't sleep." Alvaro nodded.

He went in again briefly and got water and three mugs. Then he sat down with the two of them. He took Mia's hand. "Here" he gave her a mug of water, "let's have a drink and then we should go back to bed. We have to deal with it early enough," he said.

Mia nodded. "No matter what, we stick together," she said quietly.

"Definitely" said Alvaro and Juanma nodded. Mia was the first to empty her mug and said, "I'll go in already, otherwise I'll have to wear warmer clothes, it gets really cool at night."

The boys nodded. When she was gone, Alvaro asked "Is she okay so far?"

"I would say she is ok like you. She is sad and worried, but so far it's okay. I still don't think your mother will pull this off, but I don't want to give her too much hope either."

"Thank you," said Alvaro. "

" Always "said Juanma and they clinked glasses with their water cups." Let's go to sleep and having tomorrow.... "he looked at the clock" uh, I mean later a nice day "

Alvaro had to grin." Yes we will. It's nice here and I don't think it ever gets boring. "

"Travis is cool, I think you really don't get bored with him." said Juanma.

Both laughed softly.

"Mia said she hates my mother," said Alvaro. "Even if I can't blame her, I hope she didn't mean it that way"

"Mercedes made her suffer a lot, Alvaro, but I still believe that she would give Mercedes a chance if she felt that she was changing. That's Mia. She still gives anybody a chance."

"I bet she would want your mother more than mine ..." said Alvaro.

Juanma thought for a moment. "My mother fell in love with Mia very quickly. But she also had no reason to reject her. It's a completely different situation."

"I'm sure Mia's mother wouldn't have turned down Lupe if Ramiro had gotten together with her again after they broke up. She wouldn't have looked to Lupe for the breakup. After everything Mia told me about her and how Mia is herself she could have been only nice. "

"It's hard to judge the situation, and to think about it so much now, it just wrecks you. Have you ever thought about whether your mother ..." he paused and took a short breath "should talk over it with someone else. So someone who has nothing to do with the situation. "

"You mean a psychologist?" Alvaro nodded. "Yes, I've thought about it a hundred times."

They quietly finished the water. "Come on, captain," said Juanma then. "We should go back to bed, Mia is right, it's slowly getting cold".

"Soon it will be warmer again" said Alvaro with a slight grin and they got up and went back into the hut. Mia was already asleep and Alvaro carefully lay down next to her. He carefully brushed a strand of hair back from her face and then turned off the bedside light. He whispered "good night "and Juanma replied.

Go live your way part 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang