Ohne Titel Teil132

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Gaspar went to the other apartment. When he returned, Alvaro asked for Lupe. "She wants to watch TV," said Gaspar, but avoided Alvaro's gaze.

"Lupe and television? I don't believe that now," said Juanma and made his way to the apartment across the hallway.

Lupe sat on the sofa. She stared at the TV, which was showing a movie that Juanma didn't know. Juanma collapsed on the sofa next to Lupe. "Why are you here alone" he asked her.

Lupe said nothing for a moment. Then she reached into her trouser pocket and pulled out the folded piece of paper with Lina's phone number and passed it on to Juanma. JUanma looked at the piece of paper and then raised his eyes questioningly.

"<Gaspar had that in his ski jacket. I only found it because it fell out. When I was supposed to give him his wallet."

JUanma looked at the note again. "Did you call the number?"

"No," said Lupe in a firm tone. Then she added quietly, "I was thinking about it."

"Did you say something to Gaspar about that?"

"No, he doesn't know that I have the note." said Lupe softly.

"Then talk to him about it. It doesn't make sense to sit here alone and then none of this means anything."

"What should I say? I can't tell him that I just kept the note."

"You're telling him the truth, Lupe, it's not difficult."

Lupe looked at the TV. When Juanma's cell phone vibrated, Lupe looked at him questioningly. "That now is my concern," he said, holding up his display so that she could see the sender of the message.

"Laura? Not serious" she had to laugh at her amazement. "What does she want from you?"

She looked at Juanma's cell phone when he opened the message.

"Hi, I just wanted to hear how you are. When are you coming back home?" wrote Laura

"Will you answer her." asked Lupe.

Juanma shrugged. "Does Zoe know that she's texting you," Lupe pressed on.

"I told her. It's okay, she trusts me. But she won't like it." said Juanma.

"I think it's great that you treat each other like that. Trust is important. At least that's what I thought so far, even if I've only just learned."

"What if she texts you when Zoe is with you?" Lupe added

"Then I'll show Zoe the message. Lupe I don't want any secrets from Zoe. And you shouldn't have any secrets from Gaspar either, Lupe. He'll explain to you what the note is about."

When Lupe said nothing, Juanma said "Should I send him to you? I think you won't want to ask him about it in front of everyone else"

Lupe smiled slightly and nodded. "Yes, ask him if he can come briefly." When Juanma wanted to pass her, she got up and said "Thank you. That you were there and looked after me. And for your advice."

Juanma took her in his arms and said "No problem. I'll let him know."

When he was over there, Gaspar looked at him. "Go see her," said Juanma quietly to Gaspar.

Gaspar nodded and got up. Alvaro looked at Juanma questioningly and Juanma formed a "later" with his lips

As Gaspar sat down next to Lupe he asked "What is it are you not feeling well today?"

"Can you answer me a question?" asked Lupe.

Gaspar nodded and said "Yeah, what is it?"

"Who is Lina":

"Lina? I don't .... oh but that was one of the girls who spoke to me at the ski hut two days ago."

"Two days ago? Have you already saved her phone number, or why didn't you miss the note"

"Lupe what are you talking about, which note?"

"This one," said Lupe, and put the note in front of him.

"Lupe, she threw it over my shoulder at the hut. I'm not interested in her or her phone number. I wanted to throw it away and completely forgot about it."

"It's clear," said Lupe, looking at the television.

"Honestly. Ask Mia, I'm not like that. I wouldn't do anything like that. I didn't exchange more than 5 words with her, I even drew her attention to the fact that I have a girlfriend."

"Oh, but you've talked so much," said Lupe and slowly tears welled up in her eyes. Gaspar looked at her. Then he took her hand. To his surprise, she didn't pull it away. He pulled her close. "Lupe, I swear to you, I didn't even think about texting her. You can check my cell phone."

She leaned her head on his shoulder. Her first thought was to reach for the cell phone he had taken out of his pocket. She took a deep breath. 'Trust' she thought to herself. "No, it's ok. I ... I overreacted. I'm sorry. I found the note when I was supposed to get your wallet out of your pocket. It fell out."

"I should have told you directly, but I didn't care, for both the number and the girl," said Gaspar, taking Lupe tighter in his arms.

Lupe said nothing. She broke away from Gaspar and gave him a kiss. "It's okay, honestly. If I see her at the hut tomorrow, I'll scratch her eyes out. But it's all okay."

When Gaspar looked at her in utter amazement, she laughed. "I was just kidding, I don't even know what she looks like."

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now