Ohne Titel Teil178

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They all made their way back to the ranch house together. Mia and Lupe were in the stable with Escador. Lupe liked the horse and stroked it. When Ruby got in, she said, "There's real honesty in the eyes of horses."

Lupe and Mia had to laugh. Ruby went into the box and gave him some medicine. "What is he getting" Mia asked.

"Something against Athrosis. Sometimes he has flare-ups. That is something vegetable from my mother.

"Do you miss her very much?" asked Lupe. " Your mother?"

"Yes, really. She always had an open ear, always advice. Travis is only here because she stood up for him. If she only knew what happened with me and him here together." She had to smile.

"I miss my mother a lot too," Mia said.

"We should think of something nice. It's Saturday evening, don't we want to go into town and see what's going on there?"

Ruby had to grin. "Don't confuse our village with Buenos Aires." she said "But yes, I can ask if we can still leave.

Albarto nodded, he was pleased that Ruby was doing something other than looking after the ranch and immediately agreed. Ramiro said to the boys "Take good care of the girls" and the boys nodded.

They set off with the Alvaro car and the Travis pickup. They just fit in both cars. Remmy ran after them a little longer.

They drove to the only bistro that was there. Travis looked for a moment and then said "I have an idea." He started the car again and they drove on. "Papa said we should stay in town," said Ruby.

"We won't stay long, but let our guests see something else."

The neighboring town was a bit bigger and had a disco. Travis knew the bouncer and they all got in. It was a typical village disco, small but somehow also nice. A karaoke party was going on and there was someone on the microphone who maybe shouldn't take over the singing. Lupe nudged Mia and smiled. When the boy had sung his song to the end, Gaspar said "we can do better than that." He went forward. "Which song" said the DJ and gaspar said "I only need the guitar here" and went back a bit. There were a few instruments there and gaspar took away a guitar. He played Tonight and Mia and Zoe were right there. Gaspar waved them over to the stage. Everyone was having fun and suddenly there was dancing in the disco. Gaspar played a few more songs and, together with Lupe, sang the song he had written for her.

After a while, Travis checked his watch. "We have to go back," he said to Ruby. "Alberto is otherwise worried.

Ruby nodded and Alvaro brought everyone back together. They made their way back in good spirits. Mia sat in the passenger seat with Alvaro and Alvaro tried to keep her hand continuously. He was so proud of her and had fallen in love with her once more that evening.

They arrived at the ranch exactly when Ramiro and Isabel were about to return to the bungalows.

Isabel also felt very comfortable on the ranch, Ramiro could see that. He took her hand and they got into the car.

Roberto and Alvaro followed the short distance in their cars after saying goodbye to Travis, Ruby and Alberto for the night.

At the bungalows, Ramiro said "Would anyone like to have a drink? We could light a small fire at the fireplace and enjoy the rube"

The youngsters were there right away. Mia, Zoe and Clara got blankets from the huts and the boys put chairs around the fireplace. Soon they were sitting together

"What will our next vacation be?" Asked Ramiro and grinned at the youngsters.

"To the sea," said Lupe immediately.

Ramiro thought for a moment. "I had planned sea and sailing for the warm summer. What do you think of a mountain excursion. I could ask where we might have a lake for swimming nearby. And where we can climb."

The boys nodded. "That would be great," said Juanma. "With the right equipment."

"Yeah, we have to take a look, that's dangerous. I would only do that with an experienced guide, everything else is too high a risk. But could also  we'll look at the sea , if you think hiking is boring."

When they were all getting tired, they said goodbye for the night. Mia had two more text messages on her cell phone, but this time she just switched off the display. It had been a nice evening, she didn't want the text messages to spoil the good mood. She was also looking forward to snuggling into bed with Alvaro.

They cleaned everything up and Alvaro and Ramiro poured water on the fire. Zoe and Juanma were already in the bungalow. They sat on the bed and Zoe said "I think the sea is more beautiful than the mountains"

"Everything has beautiful sides, the mountains where we went skiing are definitely beautiful in summer too," said Alvaro. Zoe nodded thoughtfully. "But when we girls swim we are afraid that something will happen to you in the mountains"

Juanma took her in his arms. "We all take care of each other," he said softly.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now