Ohne Titel Teil8

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Mia left the go pretty quickly, but Juanma caught up with her. "Hey what was going on?" asked he.

"How much must she hate me if she can't try this song with me at least once. Will it always be like that? I've thought so often that we are making progress, Alvaro thought she is making progress and then in front of the whole workshop she runs away from me. "

"Mia, you know Lupe. She's like that. Alvaro will make her see her senses. And she's probably pissed off because you were involved in three things and then she in two at the competition."

"But I didn't choose that. I'll tell Alex I'm out." She turned and left Juanma.

"Mia" he called.

When she didn't respond, he turned around. Then he turned again he ran after her. He got hold of her from behind, turned her around and took her in his arms. "Mia, don't take it to heart. Lupe is also going through a lot right now, even if I don't want to excuse her. But you, you are needed in competition. And no matter who you sing this duo with, your voice will be be the one that leads it to success. "

Mia had wrapped her arms around his neck. "Anyone else can do that too."

"Now calm down for the time being. I'm sure Alex will talk to both of you. And you can practice that with me again and again if you want. Please come with me now, Alvaro can't have any more worries."

"Please don't tell him," Mia said.

"Mia, do me a favor, don't start with too many secrets. It's important that you know how the other is doing."

Mia nodded. "I know, but like you said, he couldn't use any more worries right now."

Zoe was already in the cafeteria with Alvaro and Robert and Clara. " Everything OK?" he and Mia asked each other at the same time. Everyone laughed. "Lupe was a little upset, but I want to let her calm down a bit for now." said Alvaro

"Yes, ok, Juanma has now practiced the song with me. But I'll sing it with her if she agrees and Alex still wants it."

Alvaro nodded "I met Alex, he would like to talk to you two tomorrow." He said. "And he'll tell mama how Lupe behaved"

"I admired again how good you are together," said Clara. "I'm curious how you will sound with Lupe.

Zoe said "I can tell you from experience. Mia and Lupe are great together on stage. They are a team and nobody knows why."

The boys had training in the afternoon.

When Alvaro failed to get two passes, Marcello said with a laugh, "Have you gotten too used to the horses that you can no longer see the balls?"

"sorry coach, I was distracted"

"Then I have to send the girls out during training if they are too distracting" grinned Marcello.

The boys protested laughing.

After dinner, the four of them retired to Mia and Zoe's room.

They hadn't talked much about the visit to Mercedes and Lupe the night before because both Ramiro and Alvaro wanted to digest the matter first. Now Alvaro was telling what Lupe and later Ramiro had told him.

"And what was it about Lupe today?" asked Zoe.

"She doesn't want to sing with Mia."

"She's just afraid that in direct comparison you will see that Mia is much better," said Zoe. "Alex should let her sing with Juanma, the two of them are well-rehearsed and that sounded great the first time today."

"Unfortunately, the duos cannot be exactly the same twice. That means either Mia or Juanma can do it again."

"Then Lupe should sing it with Juanma," said Mia.

"Let's wait and see what Alex discusses with you two tomorrow. She calmed down later, but she's going through a lot right now."

"But that's not an excuse that she always hurts Mia," said Zoe. "She does that again and again and slowly it's enough."

"Zoe, Alvaro has already tried everything," said Juanma calmly. He had seen Alvaro's expression darken.

They decided to get ready for bed and go to sleep. Alvaro lay awake a little. "Hey, try to sleep," Mia said softly.

"I'm sorry that my sister, of all people, is making life here so difficult for you," said ALvaro quietly.

"That's why you make it all the more beautiful. Alvaro it's not your  fault and I don't associate that with you either. I know that you keep trying to make Lupe calm down, but of course it hurt a little today. Maybe it works and  she'll be better tomorrow and we'll sing together. "She took Alvaro in her arms. He nodded and relaxed. He was glad that Mia was who she was and that she could mentally separate him from Lupe.

Mia snuggled up against him. She always enjoyed his warmth next to her and took a deep breath. "I love you" she said softly "And no matter what, I wish that we always stay together." "I wish that too and I love you too," said Alvaro. He got a little closer to Mia and closed his eyes.

Mercedes had asked Alex for a meeting the next morning. Lupe had told her what had happened the day before in the Go and also that she had run away. Alex asked Ramiro to come because he had had one or two experiences with Mercedes when it came to Lupe.

Ramiro started the conversation and asked Alex to tell him what had happened. Alex said that he thought Lupe and Mia's voices would go very well together and also go very well with the song, that he had thought about the success of the school and that the students would have to learn  for later life To put  their interests and wishes at the back from time to time. Ramiro agreed. Mercedes leaned back and said "But Alex, you know the problem between Lupe and Mia. It is unbearable for Lupe to sing a duet with Mia on stage."

"Both of them have already done that successfully, I was told," replied Alex. "And it is absolutely out of the question for a workshop like the GO to react to such a thing like that. We are not talking about little  children, but about students who want to grow up soon."

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now