Ohne Titel Teil35

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When Juanma and Zoe got to the swimming pool, it wasn't very crowded. They reserved deck chairs and went into the water. Juanma persuaded Zoe to go on the slides with him.

They slipped the tire slide but Zoe did not dare to go on the slide, where she slipped against Juanma on time. Outside there was a warm salt water pool that they hadn't been in the last time. Deepenings were built into the basin in which one could lie down.

"Is the water better for you from the warmth" asked Juanma Zoe, who by now had blue lips. She nodded and relaxed. "Why do you prefer to go to the swimming pool than to the sea or a lake?"

"The swimming pool is warmer and there are no animals in it. In the sea, I'm always afraid that something will hurt me."

"But the sea is natural. No chlorine"

"That's true again, but I feel safer here." Juanma took her in his arms. "I would take care of you anywhere.

"Why can you swim so well, you're almost better than Alvaro.

"When I was a kid, I swam at a club." said Juanma. "But my father played basketball, which then almost fastinated  me more. He always threw balls with me at the basket in our garage."

"Were you there at his games?"

"Whenever possible, my mother and I were always there. He always took me after the game and sat me on his shoulders. When I got older, his teammates were always happy when I was there. All my classmates always wanted autographs , I always got them. " Juanma's eyes were fixed on a point in the water.

"He was proud that my mother and I were always there when we could. We went to an away game once, and in the evening we had dinner with the whole team."

"On the other hand, my parents are really boring". said Zoe.

"But you still have both of them," said Juanma and took Zoe's hand. "It's not important what your parents do, but whether they're there for you. And they are your parents. They love you."

Zoe nodded. She stroked the back of Juanma's hand with her thumb. "It was a great idea that Mia made a box for your father's things."

Juanma nodded. "Yes, that was really nice. She can empathize when you only have these things from someone you love."

Zoe leaned over and took him in her arms. Juanma hugged her briefly. "I'm glad we found each other," he said softly.

"I'm glad that Mia sent me to you back then. I got to know you from a completely different side that evening. A side that you had shown Mia before, but which you hid well from everyone else."

"At first I had the feeling that you were just feeling sorry for me or doing it for Mia. But then I saw feelings in your eyes. I was afraid of doing something wrong, afraid that I would rush into something else too quickly and  hurt you or get hurt myself if I read something wrong in your eyes. I was also afraid that Mias and my friendship would chew in such a case because she is your best friend. "

"I knew that. That's why I gave you time. And then Gaspar intervened briefly ..." "... Yes, and that was exactly the point where I realized that I couldn't take it to loose you."

Zoe smiled at him. "Everything went as it should. I'm glad about it."

"But sometimes you had problems with Mia, didn't you?"

"Problems?" Zoe thought for a moment, "Imagine I call Gaspar when I'm sad. Or tell him how I'm doing. I had the feeling I couldn't get hold of you. I think it was easier for Alvaro because Mia talked to him too, maybe just a little more with you. "

"I ... I can't explain that to you. Mia was just the first person I really talked to about anything. She learned very quickly to see what was going on. I couldn't let go of that and I can do that not even now. I love you more than anything. But Mia will always be important to me. "

Zoe took his hand again. "And that's a good thing. She's my best friend, and she and I talked a lot about the subject. I just needed time to understand it. I was also afraid. You know Gaspar left me for no real reason. But Mia always calmed me down and now ... "

"..we are together and infinitely happy." said Juanma and hugged Zoe. "Are you cold here now, too," he asked when he noticed that she was shaking a little.

Zoe smiled slightly and nodded. "Come on then, let's get out and get on the lounge chairs." He took her hand and they snuggled into their towels.

"We didn't even notice how the time passed. We should write to Alvaro right away."

Zoe nodded. They stayed there for a short time and then got ready to go.

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