Ohne Titel Teil110

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When Gaspar and Lupe arrived at Ramiro's, Isabel greeted them warmly. Ramiro came out of his study. "I've just made everything absolutely tight for our ski vacation," he said proudly.

"I'm supposed to say thank you again from my parents for taking me with you. If you have any costs that you want to share, they want to know."

Ramiro smiled. "That's okay. I ..." he looked at Isabel, "We're really looking forward to spending time with you all."

"It's not long now." Lupe was pleased. "Then we'll be away from Laura for a few days," she said.

"I've already heard that she probably says some things that are not what she is. I hope that will work out. I agreed with Mercedes that we should have another talk with her parents." They sit down in the living room and after a while Isabel went into the kitchen to finish preparing the meal. Lupe followed her after a while. "Can I help you a little?" She asked Isabel.

"Sure, you can wash this off and cut it into cubes. How are you? Is everything ok."

Lupe looked at Isabel for a moment. "Yes, but my mother ... she says that I have to take care of Laura. But with her lies and everything she breaks everything. And Alvaro and the others don't like Laura either. They would exclude me again if I were with them Laura would be friends. "

Isabel focused for a moment on the meat, which she was seasoning. Then she said, "Lupe, I think you have experienced a very clear change in the last few months. A change in your environment, but you have changed too. Very well, and I am very happy about it. Ramiro was often worried about you. He loves you very much, you know. " She paused for a moment and looked at Lupe. "I love him very much too. I ... he'll always be my father. I mean Javier ... he's very different from before. But I grew up with Ramiro. And I miss him terribly when I'm in ours House. He brought so much calm and joy there. "

Isabel carefully put her arms around Lupe and looked at her carefully. When she saw no resistance in her eyes, she pulled her into her arms. "When adults, worse still, their own parents separate, it is very bad for the children. I think I know how you feel. But you can see that Ramiro does not disappear from your life.

Not through the separation from your mother and also not through the relationship with me. And yet you went through a lot. But I am convinced it brought out a great deal of good in you. "

"That was Gaspar too," said Lupe softly.

"Yes, I think so. Gaspar is a very nice guy. In retrospect he was very sorry that he defeated you in the competition. I think Ivana was very hurt by your mother."

"That was partly my fault," said Lupe, even more quietly than before. "I was ..." Isabel looked at her briefly. "You WERE, but what you are now is really a very big step."

She pressed Lupe briefly.

"But I actually wanted to tell you that you have changed so much. If you wanted to give Laura a chance, I would have the feeling that you could change her too. And that without the others dropping you. But I can too understand if you are afraid of it. "

Lupe leaned his head briefly on Isabel's shoulder. "Thanks Isabel. I now know how Mia got that, that she always believes in the good in people." She smiled.

Isabel winked at her. "Sometimes people are not worth giving up."

Lupe nodded. "Apparently Mia never really gave up on me."

Gaspar looked into the kitchen. He saw that Lupe's eyes were a bit red. He put his arm around her and looked first at her, then at Isabel questioningly. "Coming to terms with the past," Isabel said softly and winked at Gaspar. Gaspar nodded, smiled and pressed Lupe to himself. "You can go back to Ramiro if you want. I'm almost done here."

Lupe took a couple of plates out of the cupboard and took them to set the table. Gaspar got cutlery and they went to Ramiro. "Is everything okay with the meal," Ramiro asked with a grin. When they both nodded, he laughed and took Lupe in his arms. "It's nice that you are here," he said quietly to her.

Over dinner, Ramiro told a few stories, and he also told about the snowstorm on the last ski vacation. Gaspar was unfamiliar with some of the stories and they had a lot to laugh about.

"You can stay here if you want, if your parents don't mind," said Isabel.

Gaspar smiled and said "Gladly, I'll just let my parents know." He smiled at Lupe and went to the terrace to make a phone call.

When he and Lupe were in bed that evening, Gaspar said quietly, "I'm glad you're getting on so well with Isabel. She was like a second mother to me at times. And I am very happy that you accept it. "

"She is really nice, she understands everything and tries to put herself in my situation or my feelings. It feels good to talk to her."

"Is it good for you to talk to me?" Laughed Gaspar.

"Very good. I feel very comfortable and secure with you. I love you."

Gaspar straightened up. He looked magnifying glass in the eye and said "me you too"

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