Ohne Titel Teil23

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Juanma called his mother and told her briefly what he had found and invited himself and the others to his home over the weekend. Florencia heard from Juanma's voice that it was better not to go into the subject on the phone.

Mia and he went to see the others. Zoe was awake again and was there too. When Juanma was on the way to her, Lupe came by and tore the envelope out of his hand. "What's that?" She shouted and ran away when he tried to grab the envelope.

"Lupe leave it" shouted Alvaro and ran after his sister. She ran out and held the envelope in front of her. "I just want to know what that is," she exclaimed. Alvaro was almost there, Mia, Juanma and Zoe were also behind him. She turned and yanked the envelope up, then shook it, and from the opening, the photo, player passport, box and badge fell on the floor. The letter was caught in the opening. Alvaro got hold of the envelope and stole it from Lupe's hand. Zoe and Mia had saved the things from the floor. Juanma went to Lupe "Do you think that's funny? Do you enjoy hurting other people? What are you actually thinking." Before Lupe could reply, Alvaro gave Juanma the envelope and intervened. "Better not say anything now," he said quietly to her.

He turns and pushed Juanma back a little. Then he helped Mia and Zoe put the things back in the envelope.

"Listen, I'm sorry, I thought this was something from school. What was that?"

"That's none of your business" said Zoe and turned to Lupe with an angry look. Juanma, however, passed Alvaro, looked at Lupe and said, "You want to know what that was? These are memories of my father that I got today. And yes, you managed to hurt me. Congratulations"  With That he turned around and walked back towards the school building. "Juanma, I .. I'm sorry," she called after him.

Juanma turned back to her and walked towards her again. "You know what's bad at this situation?. I even believe you. But you don't learn from it. You can't even think before you do something." Lupe looked at the floor. "I really haven't been thinking," she said softly. "I wanted to annoy you" Juanma nodded and turned away from her again.

When she was about to say something, Alvaro said "Leave him now, okay?"

Lupe nodded.

The three followed Juanma. Zoe hooked up with him. "Let's go up a bit, she said." "Ok" said Juanma.

In Zoe's room, Juanma Zoe showed the things and told her about Mia's idea with the box. Zoe said, "That's a good idea, she has a little box too." "I know," said Juanma.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep," said Zoe.

"That's not bad," said Juanma. "I could have come up here too. But I wanted to open it alone"

"I can understand that," said Zoe. She was glad that Mia had gone after him. It was ideal for that, the connection between the two. Mia had exactly what Juanma needed at that moment. He took her in his arms. Zoe looked at the little box. "What class were you in when you wrote this?" She asked. "In the first," laughed Juanma.

In the meantime, Mia had fetched a box from Gloria. She had asked Ramiro if she and Alvaro could get paper from the art room. "What are you going to do?" Asked Ramiro smiling. Mia explained it briefly to him. "That's very nice of you," he said and gave the two of them the key to the art room.

Alvaro and Mia covered the box with blue paper on the inside and outside. "Shall we write something on it?" asked Alvaro. "No let him decide that," Mia said.

They put everything away and returned the key to Ramiro. Then they made their way to Mia and Zoe's room.

Juanma fell asleep with his head on Zoe's lap and Mia and Alvaro put the box on the table and sat on Mia's bed.

Zoe looked at the box with question marks in her eyes and Mia said quietly what they were thinking. Zoe smiled. "that's cute," she whispered.

It didn't take Juanma very long to wake up. Zoe brushed a strand of hair from his face and he sat up. "Sorry, I didn't want to fall asleep," he said.

Zoe took his hand briefly and said "It's good that you got some sleep."

Mia got up and handed him the box. "Alvaro and I made a box for you to keep your things," she said. He smiled at both of them and took the envelope from the table. Carefully he let the things slide onto the bed. Then he put everything in the box and closed it. "Thank you," he said and took Mia and Alvaro briefly in his arms. He sat down next to Zoe and said, "By the way, I've put us up with my mother for the weekend." Alvaro laughed. "But she'll be happy about that.

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