Ohne Titel Teil111

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In between Lupe had sent a picture of the meal and Ramiro and Isabel to Alvaro. Alvaro smiled when he saw it.

He showed it to the others and Florencia was happy about it.

After dinner, Juanma was gone for a moment. Mia looked at Zoe briefly, Zoe shrugged and nodded. Mia got up and looked for him. He was upstairs in the room. "Everything ok" said Mia. Juanma nodded.

"How was it with your grandma."

"She ... I'm not sure if she knows she won't be around that long anymore. On the one hand she said she won't run away, on the other hand she said she is glad she Sees that  my mother and my uncle speak to eachother  again before she ... well before she will be gone "

He wiped his eyes briefly.
"I think she knows, but she doesn't want to show it."said Mia

"She had a nice life. But somehow it's always too early."

"That's it. But sometimes you have to let go" said Mia and took him in her arms.

"I lost a lot of time because I was rarely there to see her." he said.

"Yes of course. But you didn't not go to her with bad intentions. She knows Juanma. And now she sees that you are fine. That is important," Mia said softly. Juanma nodded. "You're right. But my mother will have a hard time taking it." said Juanma.

"Then we will all try to be there for her"

"Thank you," said Juanma. "I ... thank you Mia."

"Everything's fine," Mia said and squeezed his hand. "Let's go to the others. You shouldn't be alone now either." Juanma nodded and went back to the others with Mia.

They talked for a while about Laura and the school. Then the four said goodbye for the night. When they were upstairs in the room. they picked out a movie and snuggled into bed. "Can anyone but me hardly wait for us to start on vacation?" said Zoe.

"I think we all do. Somehow a lot happens, but time seems to stand still." All nodded in agreement.

Zoe had snuggled into Juanma's arms. It was good for him that she was with him. He took a deep breath and relaxed. He was tired and focused on Zoe's heartbeat. One more week, then they would be far away from everything normal again. They
would immerse theirself in another world and relax a bit.

Alavaro and Mia were pretty tired too. Mia was almost asleep. Alvaro stroked her until he realized that she was really asleep.

It wasn't long before he fell asleep too.

The next morning he was woken up because the sun's rays tickled him. They had forgotten to close the blinds and therefore it was already bright as day in the room. He moved and with this he woke Mia. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's okay," Mia smiled. "I like when we can wake up together." She laid her head on Alvaro's chest and took his hand with one hand. She looked out the window. "It promises to be a fine day," she said softly.

Juanma and Zoe were moving slowly too. "Well you sleepyheads" laughed Mia and looked at the two of them. Zoe turned around and Juanma had to laugh. "Well, Zoe's a sleepyhead thats is right," he said. "I'm wide awake in contrast to her"

"I'm awake too," Zoe muttered. "Ok, let's go, we have to go to the Go" said Juanma and Zoe started up.

"What now..... how, what time is it" she stuttered and everyone had to laugh.

"You're mean," said Zoe, but she laughed.

"I think Marcello and my mother have already finished breakfast," Juanma whispered in her ear.

"Breakfast sounds good," said Alvaro and slowly got up.

Indeed, Florencia and Marcello were already up. They sat down at the table together.

"When does it start next Week?" asked Marcello?

"Right after school on Friday. We want to be there as early as possible."

"Send a few pictures. And remember, hard training is the order of the days after the vacation. Not that you only take advantage of the après-ski or the good food." laughed MARcello.

"He always catches us" laughed Juanma and nudged Alvaro.

They spent the day quietly in the garden and had decided that they would stay with Florencia and Marcello for the night. Juanma had left a few things for Florencia that she wanted to bring him to school on Thursday.

Everyone hoped that the week would go by quickly- "I hope we have good weather," said Zoe, "And not another storm or something."

"Somehow it was quite comfortable in the hut during the snowstorm. If Juanma hadn't been so sick, I would have definitely enjoyed it," Mia said.

"It wasn't so funny for Ramiro and me not to know what happened to you," said Zoe. Juanma took her in his arms. "Nothing separates us this time," he said.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now