Ohne Titel Teil181

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When the two came out of the hall, Alvaro took Mia by the hand and walked a little with her. Juanma and Zoe already went into the room.

Alvaro put his arm around Mia. "Today, when we talked to Toni, I thought about how we would deal with it if the job took up a lot of time."

Mia looked at him. "How should we deal with it. Sometimes you just have to work a lot. Then you have to enjoy the time you have all the more."

"And what if you were expecting a baby from me."

"Alvaro, what are you getting at. If I were pregnant by you, it would be one more reason to stick together. If everything is ok and it is only the work that separates us, then we can overcome it."

Alvaro nodded. He looked down. Mia looked at him and put her finger under his chin to get him to look at her too.

"At the moment I can't think of anything that should bring us apart. And it is clear to both of us that studying with you, as with me, can mean that we will see each other less. But there will be better times again . "

She looked him in the eye. "Alvaro, I love you. And I wish I have children with you when the time comes. But then we build a life together, with all its ups and downs."

"I love you too," said Alvaro. "I'm just too worried. But somehow that didn't let me go"

"Do you know what I'm happy about?"

Alvaro shook his head.

"That you talked to me about it and didn't just swallow it. And I hope I could allay your concerns."

Alvaro wrapped around Mia. "You could, Mia, thank you."

Miie put her head on Alvaro's shoulder. "If you are afraid that on-call duty, night shifts and weekend work will put me off, then I can only tell you that you will not get rid of me that easily."

Alvaro had to laugh. "That would be sorted out then," he said with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the text messages straight away," Mia said. "I didn't want you to worry."

"Juanma talked me out of the worry," said Alvaro and winked at Mia.

"I should have thought" laughed Mia. "Since you are both friends, secrets are no longer fun."

Alvaro laughed. "It shouldn't be"

He took her hand and they walked a little further. Mia enjoyed being around him  and was glad they talked about things.

She sank into her thoughts and was startled by the ringtone of Alvaro's cell phone.

It was Dani. Alvaro answered. They  could hear Dani's smile in his voice as he said "I don't know who gave you the idea. But I'm very grateful to you"

Alvaro said "Mia was persistent, we did the rest together. But we weren't sure if it was a good idea."

"We take everything very slowly. We meet every now and then. Some time has passed. But it was nice to see her again. And do you know that I'm a proud papa?"

Alvaro said "Toni said it. I'm happy for you" said Alvaro.

"See you at the weekend, okay? We'll be in Buenos Aires on Saturday or Sunday.

"We're looking forward to it," said Alvaro

When the two had said goodbye, Mia took Alvaro in her arms. "It's nice that it worked," she said softly.

"I hope they really find each other again," said Alvaro.

Slowly they went back to school. Juanma and Zoe were watching a movie and Mia immediately shared what Dani had said. Zoe and Juanma were also happy and curious what Dani would say when they see each other.

Mia snuggled into bed with ALvaro. She didn't notice anything from the film, she concentrated entirely on Alvaro's presence. She hoped she could take his fear of losing her away. She hugged him a little. He noticed it and looked at her. "I'm glad we talked about it. It was good," he said quietly, seeming to have read her mind. He gave Mia a kiss and caressed her back. Mia relaxed and closed her eyes.

She focused on Alvaro's warmth and heartbeat. Alvaro looked over Mia's head at Juanma. Their eyes met and Juanma smiled at him.

Zoe was already asleep and Juanma was very tired too. He focused on the voices of the film and tried to fall asleep. He was glad Dani's meeting with Vicky had gone so well. Old woundes had been at high risk of being torn open. He made up his mind to visit his grandma the next day. She was back with his uncle Paco and would definitely be happy about a little change

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