Ohne Titel Teil148

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"She ran away to Spain before because my mother and Lupe didn't like her. She went to Isabel who lived in Spain before, she wasn't with Ramiro at the time."

"Why did she come back?"

"Because Juanma went to get her, I begged and Ramiro talked to Isabel."

"Juanma ... they are very close, you can tell. Without Isabel, she has no contact point in Spain anymore. And maybe she will talk to Juanma in a similar situation, if not with you."

"I'm just afraid that it will be too much for her. She lost her mother very early and I could imagine ..."

Dani raised his  hand and Alvaro fell silent. "I don't think so. She loves you and she realizes how your mother is and that you suffer from it too. Perhaps there will be moments again when she thinks you would be better off without her. But first of all, I think that Zoe and Juanma would then react and secondly, your love has surely become deeper by now on both sides. Just be there for her. She will be there for you too. "

Alvaro nodded. "Thanks Dani." he said softly.

"Thank you for your trust and for talking to me about it." he gave Alvaro's shoulder a brief squeeze. "I think the others are waiting," he laughed.

When Alvarn looked ahead, he saw that the others were standing a long way away from them and were looking in their direction. "I think so too," he said with a grin.

They jogged to the others and Toni said with a broad grin "Well we've already gone through the ebb and flow three times, I'm getting hungry"

Dani laughed and called "Then to the pizzeria."

They made their way to the pizzeria and ordered the pizzas to take away.

When they got home, they quickly set the table and looked forward to the meal.

Mia had the impression that she had known Toni and Dani for a long time, the relationship between everyone was very familiar and relaxed.

"I have told you that we're celebrating tomorrow at the diving school," said Dani. "Mia and Juanma, I have a request, would you sing a few songs?"

"We have already rehearsed for it," laughed Juanma. "You mentioned that before that you wanted that."

Zoe and Mia cleaned everything up after dinner and Toni said "It's great to have girls in the house" The boys all laughed.

"Now don't come up with the idea of ​​using us as service staff tomorrow," said Zoe and grinned.

"Shit she got us," said Dani.

Toni said "Shall we show you the house?"

"With pleasure" said Alvaro and the others nodded.

They had already seen the living room and kitchen below. From the living room you could go into a garden. Juanma already knew the way up. Dani opened the first door upstairs, and behind it was a spacious bathroom. The room next to it was the room Dani and Toni had prepared for the four of them. The girls and Alavaro were just as enthusiastic as Juanma. Dani's bedroom was a lot bigger. It was also nicely decorated. Toni's room was about the same size as the room that Alvaro, Juanma and the girls were currently occupying. He had a large bed in it, a closet and a desk.

When they came down, Dani turned on the TV and looked for a movie. They made themselves comfortable on the couch.

"Let's stay up until midnight," Zoe asked.

"If you can hold out that long," said Dani. " I would be happy about that."

They watched the film and did not notice how quickly the time went by. Toni had put champagne in the cold and filled 6 glasses. It didn't take long and then they could start the countdown.

At exactly midnight they congratulated Dani and toasted him. He smiled at everyone and thanked them.

"It's great that you're here," he said and hugged Toni and the four of them one after the other.

They sat down for a moment and then Toni said "I think we should sleep, tomorrow will be a long day."

They all agreed and went into the rooms. Alvaro and Mia took the fold-out couch. Mia snuggled into Alvaro's arms. "What did you talk to Dani about for so long?" She asked him quietly. "He asked how things are going with Mercedes and we figured out that the situation was difficult for me because I am sometimes afraid that ... that you will leave again."

"We'll keep her from this idea," laughed Juanma, who had heard the words  from Alvaro. He sat up again in bed.

Alvaro looked at him and grinned, "Dani said something similar too."

"Oh, I'm not going to leave anymore," Mia said and smiled at the others. "We also want to enjoy the weekend."

"We will too. I think it's really nice here," said Zoe.

They snuggled back into bed. Alvaro put his arm over Mia and pulled her slightly to him. "I love you," he said softly. he almost expected Juanma to laugh and to call over to them "I love you, too", but there was  silence, only Mia gave him a kiss and said "I love you too."

She closed her eyes and lay in Alvaro's arms. Everyone was tired and looking forward to the next day.

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