Ohne Titel Teil27

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The next day, Ramiro Mia called and asked if she and Juanma had time to go to Charlie Martin's. Mia agreed after a brief inquiry.

When they got to Charlie's, Zoe asked if she could see the recording studio. Charlie immediately said yes, of course, and shows Alvaro and Zoe everything.  They were there alone with him because no admission was initially planned. He took Mia and Juanma to his office.

"So you two," he said with his typical smile. "I wanted to ask how things are going for you. Can you handle everything outside of school?"

Mia nodded. Juanma was a little more suspicious. "Has Mercedes spoken to you?" asked he.

Charlie shook his head. " No, why are you asking."

After glancing at Mia, Juanma told what Mercedes had offered him. Charlie thought for a moment. "I know Eduardo very well, I can't imagine him discussing this with Mercedes before speaking to me. Besides, that wouldn't be a problem at all. If you really want to try it out, we'll let everything stand here and you try it . But it would be laughable if I couldn't make the two of you palatable to him. "

Mia and Juanma looked at each other briefly. Charlie saw the look and laughed. "Hey you two. You are just great together. I saw your performance in the competition. And the girl you last sang with is the daughter of Mercedes, isn't she?" Mia and Juanma nodded. "Yes, I can get dark remember that she sang with you, Juanma "

"Charlie, we really don't want anything to change. The way things are going at the moment is perfect," said Mia.

"Ok, but if you have any wishes or ideas you are welcome to contact me. I have a few new songs that you can work on a bit if you feel like it. You have a free hand for changes." He gave Juanma a stick. "There is everything on it that you need."

"Thanks Charlie." said Juanma.

They went with Charlie to the other two. "It's so cool in here," said Zoe, beaming at Charlie.

Charlie laughed. "Next time we'll record something, okay?"

When they were standing at Alvaro's car on the street, Alvaro said "Do you know what I would like to do now?" When the others shook their heads, he said, "To go up to the lake where we were camping and maybe even spend the night there in the tent."

"Can we borrow them from school?"

"I'll call papa" said Mia.

When they had Ramiro's approval, they first drove to Juanma. Florencia was a little skeptical that they wanted to camp alone, but they assured that they had learned everything important at the ranch. "

"We thought we'd drive up the car as far as possible and leave it there. That shouldn't be a problem for one night."

"But then we have to carry everything. We had horses at the ranch," said Zoe.

"If we pack the backpacks well. Then it's just the sleeping bags and two tents," said Alvaro. Florencia packed them sandwiches and snacks.

When they arrived at the school to get the rest of the things, Roberto and Clara came towards them. When they told the two of their idea, Roberto was immediately enthusiastic. "Do you mind if we join in," he asked.

"No not at all" said Mia and looked at the others.

They packed everything up and off they went. Roberto drove up. They drove past the parking lot where they had parked the cars when they were camping.

The path led up past "their" campsite. "I thought we'd leave the cars on the edge," said Alvaro, while Roberte drove on the narrowing path

Alvaro honked the horn and indicated to Roberto to stop. When the cars stopped, Roberto and Alvaro kicked out. "We shouldn't drive further up. The path is not suitable for our cars and is getting narrower and narrower," Alvaro said to Roberto.

Roberto looked down the path. "I thought that if we were to go a little further up, we wouldn't have to carry everything that far."

"Better leave it. Leave the cars here. We'll never get out of there again."

Roberto nodded. They drove the cars to the edge of the square and trudged along the path with the things.

"We'll take the car up next time," gasped Zoe.

"Only if you turn it down again" laughed Roberto. "Alvaro was right, that wouldn't have been a good idea."

They set everything up and Juanma said "Come on, now let's go into the water".

The girls decided to watch from the edge first, while Alvaro and Juanma led Roberto onto the rocks from where they jumped down the last time.

They had set up the tents on a little hill. So they could watch the boys well.

"Tell me, do you know Roberto's old friends? Besides those back in town?"

"Not really, Mia got to know some but only briefly, why do you ask"

"He talked to a guy he was arguing with on the phone. He ended the conversation when I got there and this guy tried to call a couple of times. Since then, Roberto has been different than usual. He just told me, that it was a former friend. "

Mia looked thoughtfully at Roberto. "Maybe Juanma and Alvaro should talk to him sometime."

"I had the feeling he wanted to leave schoolfor the weekend, that's why he wanted to come here."

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now