Ohne Titel Teil156

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They all met again at school in the evening, Roberto was doing better, his self-diagnosis was almost correct, he had a nerve irritation and was injected with a drug. He had spoken to the doctor about his pill problem and he still gave him pain medication, but asked Alvaro to ensure that it was used correctly.

He was fit again to drive a car, so he and Alvaro picked up Roberto's car quickly after dinner.

When they were back Alvaro  looked for Mia. She was sitting in the Go with Zoe and Juanma. Laura had appeared again and went to her room. They had noticed that Mercedes had called her  to her  office for the next day.

Alvaro, in turn, had met Ramiro, who was waiting for Mercedes because they wanted to have another coffee.

When he and Roberto arrived at the GO, he took Mia's hand. "Are we going to walk a bit through the park?" Mia nodded.

Hand in hand they walked a little way down the path. "You are so quiet, there was something in the hospital?," Mia said.

"No, I'm just assuming that Ramiro wants to talk to my mother about the divorce today. And I don't know what to expect then"

Mia took him in her arms. "Wait first. Ramiro will do that," she said softly.

Alvaro nodded. he took her hand again and they walked a little further. "I thought the weekend was very nice. But I'm also looking forward to being alone with you," said Alvaro. Mia nodded and put her head on his shoulder. She looked up to the sky. "Look, now we're seeing more stars here." Alvaro looked up. "They only shine to you," he said, hugging Mia.

He enjoyed their closeness. In the meantime everything between them was so normal, they had adjusted themselves perfectly, they trusted each other blindly. It was a nice feeling.

Mia tried to count the stars. "If then you have to count them all," said Alvaro, laughing.

"That doesn't work," Mia replied with a laugh.

Alvaro sat on a bench on the edge and pulled Mia onto his lap. She sat down and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she put her head on his shoulder. "You're nice and warm," she said. " Are you cold?" ine Zeot long "No, but I can tell you are warmer than me"

They were both silent for a moment. "Have you now considered whether you want to study medicine," Mia then asked

"I wrote to Penny. I would like to talk a few more things through, it wasn't long ago for her."

Mia nodded. "I'm curious what she says."

She gave him a kiss. "Even if you're warm, let's walk a little"

Alvaro laughed and put his arm around Mia's shoulder. She smiled at him. God how he loved her smile. Her eyes shone even in the dark. He grabbed her waist and whirled her around in the air. Mia howled because she was completely surprised. "Sorry I couldn't help it. Sometimes I could burst out of love for you"

Mia laughed and took him in her arms. "Can I do that with you too?" She wrapped her arms around his waist and tried to pick him up. It did not work. "Let" laughed Alvaro "I'm too heavy"

He took her hand and pulled her close. "Let's go and go back, you feel very cold," he said.

Mia nodded. She looked at the clock. "It's getting late too, Juanma and Zoe are sure to be in the room."

When they got to the school, Juanma was waiting at one of the exit doors. "Mauro wanted to lock up, I said you'd be at the car for a minute," he said with a laugh.

They went quietly up into the room. Zoe had already snuggled into bed. "Have you heard from Laura" asked Mia Juanma. He shook his head. "But I didn't write to her either." he said. He took Zoe in his arms.

Alvaro had also put his arm over Mia and she took his hand. She gently stroked his fingers.

Mia was so relaxed that she fell asleep so quickly. He tried not to think about his mother speaking to Ramiro. Juanma had turned on the TV and he was concentrating on the movie.

He jumped up because Mia flinched. But she was still asleep and so he caressed her for a moment. He looked over to the other bed and saw that Juanma and Zoe were sleeping. For a moment he looked at the two of them.

Sometimes he couldn't believe how deep the love between  the two of them was. They had been so contradicting at first. he never thought that Juanma could be so caring to another person. He had always known Zoe too little to judge that. But he had judged her very differently, too

He was happy with how everything turned out. Now he noticed how his eyes were falling close. He carefully leaned closer to Mia and fell asleep faster than he had thought.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now