Ohne Titel Teil163

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The time leading up to the game passed quickly. Laura was brought in by her father in the morning and picked up in the afternoon.

The boys arrived at the gym an hour before the game. Some of the students were already there. The opponents had also arrived. Marcello motivated his boys and then it went to the field. The hall was full

When the game started, Juanma and Alvaro were in front. Juanma managed to throw  a basket relatively quickly.

The opposing team recovered fast and scored a basket. Roberto, Juanma and Alvaro regrouped and attacked again. It was an exciting game, Mia and Zoe held their breath in the meantime. Marcello cheered the boys on from the side but he seemed satisfied.

Mercedes had kept her promise and had come to the game. She sat next to Florencia and was watching the game. Isabel and Ramiro were there too, of course. Mercedes had greeted both politely, but then turned to Florencia.

The hall cheered when Alvaro scored another basket. The interaction between Roberto, Juanma and Alvaro got better and better. Fueled by the cheering schoolmates, they threw one basket after the other. When the game was over, Alvaro, Juanma and Roberto took each other in the arms, the others were around them immediately. Lupe pushed her way to Zoe and Mia and said, "I said we'd have reason to celebrate." Zoe and Mia laughed.

As always, the boys met in the cafeteria and Mercedes congratulated them and took Alvaro in her arms. She stayed there for a moment, then suddenly she was gone. Ramiro said "I'm incredibly proud of you, you showed your team spirit and played a great game."

The boys were happy and celebrated a little longer. Then everyone got ready for the disco. They had decided to come back to school after the disco.

Gaspar picked up Lupe. When they arrived the disco was already quite full and there was a special show. Nevertheless, they danced on the somewhat overcrowded dance floor. Roberto and Juanma had stood a little apart and were watching Alvaro and the girls. Alvaro fooled around with them dancing and they almost caught the attention of the other guests.

Suddenly Alvaro grabbed his pocket because his cell phone was vibrating. He looked at the display, it was Ramiro.

When he was outside, he called Ramiro back.

"Alvaro you have to go back to school, a storm warning has been issued with a hurricane and heavy rain. I want you to go to school. I will be there too.

Alvaro gathered everyone together. They started again and drove to school.

It had already started to rain and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. Roberto, Alvaro and Gaspar tried to park the cars so that they were not under trees.

On the way to the school building you could already feel the storm. Ramiro was already waiting for them. "You guys have to help us, we have to check all the windows and doors. "His cell phone rang. It was Mercedes. He listened for a moment and then said," I'll send the boys through school and I then come to you "

Alvaro looked at him questioningly. "Mercedes needs help to secure some things. I'm going there, you please close everything and also the blinds where possible."

Alvaro noded. They went through room by room, including the cellar and cafeteria. Little by little, all the students gathered in the cafeteria. Isabel had come with Ramiro and Marcello was still there too. It was late and the students were actually tired. Alvaro called Ramiro, who was already on his way back to school. Then the connection was broken.

Gaspar stayed at school for the night and slowly everyone withdrew to their rooms. Juanma, Zoe, Mia and Alvaro had just snuggled into the beds when there was a knock. Ramiro was at the door.

He was soaking wet, but smiled slightly. "I'm back. Everything's okay at Mercedes," he said. "I'm going to be spending the night here at school with Isabel, so if there is something, we're here."

He said goodbye because he still wanted to change. The students went back to bed. Every now and then the light flickered, but otherwise they only heard the storm and rain outside.

Mia looked out. "The trees bend right," she said. Alvaro nodded. The boys noticed that the girls were a little scared.

Now and then someone ran across the hall. Alvaro turned on the television. "Shouldn't you leave the TV off during a thunderstorm?" asked Zoe

"I wanted to see if something was said on the news," said Alvaro. "And we must have a lightning rod on the roof.

He was unlucky, he found no new information. So he snuggled into bed with Mia. Juanma did the same with Zoe. "I don't think I can sleep," Mia said. "It sounds like school is blown away."

Alvaro took her tighter. "Tomorrow everything will be fine," he said.

Indeed, they did fall asleep. Until they were woken up by screams and shouts in the early hours of the morning.

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