Ohne Titel Teil198

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Just before they got to school, Juanma had a message from his mother. She wrote him what Marcello had already told him.

Juanma lowered the cell phone and ALvaro looked at him. "Mia?" asked he.

Juanma shook his head. "My mother, my grandma came back to the hospital. They don't know anything more yet. But she's going there with Paco"

When he said nothing more, said Alvaro. "Should I take you to the hospital. I will definitely get an OK from Ramiro"

"No, mom will write to me. The school will distract me," said Juanma. "Marcello met me when I was looking for you, so I already knew."

"It'll be fine. Don't worry too much".

"It's always difficult, I know that she is not doing so well."

Alvaro took Juanma's arm. In these situations, sometimes there were no words. Juanma understood Alvro without words. He looked at Alvaro and nodded. "Thank you," he said.

"If you want to talk, I'll be there," said Alvaro.

"Thanks. Please don't tell the girls, or especially not Zoe, I don't want her to worry."

Alvaro nodded. "Sure," he said.

They came back to the girls just in time for the end of the  break.
Mia took him in her arms briefly and asked" is all ok?  Did you speak with  Javier?"
"Yes all ok, he looks over the things and calls me back" he nodded while returning the

Lessons went smoothly. After class, the four of them stopped by Ramiro's office and said they wanted to meet Toni and Dani. Ramiro grinned and said "Give them my best regards"

On the way from the secretariat to the exit, they met Laura, who greeted them but didn't look up.

She seemed to be on her way to see Ramiro. The four looked at each other, Alvaro shrugged his shoulders.

Dani had written to them that they should bring swimming clothes and come to the swimming pool.

Toni was waiting for them at the door and took them to the changing room. It was an old and small swimming pool, not to be compared with the one where they had already been swimming together.

They changed and then went to the swimming pool. The courses were over and Dani and Toni were cleaning up.

"What's that" asked Zoe when she saw a big doll lying there that seemed to be very heavy.

"It's a dummy that you have to rescue from the water," Toni explained. "It has about the weight of a grown man"

Dani looked at the four "Come on, it won't get serious until tomorrow, let's have fun today."

There were diving boards at the large pool, as well as a children's pool and a counter-swimming system.

The swimming pool had a few spots that needed to be refurbished, but it was clean and otherwise okay.

Zoe put her foot in the water. "That's warm," she said in a surprised voice.

Dani laughed "yes, if we spend the whole day in the water it's all too cold."

Alvaro had already jumped in. Mia climbed in over the ladder. Little by little everyone was in the water and romping around. Dani climbed onto the diving board. The tallest was five meters. He went up to the top. "Hello you down there," he said, laughing, and jumped.

Juanma and Alvaro did not take long to be asked. They also climbed to the very top and jumped one by one.

Toni had switched on the counter-current system in the meantime. The girls swam against it, but it was quite difficult. They fooled around a bit. The boys' interest was aroused. They tried to swim against it for a while and stopped the time. They all had a blast.

When everyone was getting a bit tired, Toni said, "I suggest we take a shower and eat something. I think we could all use some refreshment."

Everyone was seated and getting ready. They found a small restaurant in town where everyone could find something to eat.

They completely forgot the time and Alvaro was startled when his cell phone beeped and Roberto asked if they would be there soon. He texted back that they would drive off.

"OK, I'll see you tomorrow," said Toni, taking each student in his arms. Dani followed suit and they said goodbye for the night.

When they got to the school everything was dark, but Roberto had left a door at the back so they could get in.

When they were in the room, they only realized how tired they were. They snuggled into the beds and Juanma turned on another movie.

Everyone fell asleep very quickly. ALvaro lingered on his thoughts for a while. He had sent everything to Javier, but had not yet received any feedback. He made up his mind to call him again tomorrow.

Mia lay closer to him in her sleep. He gently stroked her hair. When he looked over at Zoe and Juanma, they both seemed to be asleep. He hadn't had the opportunity to ask Juanma about his grandma, he was sure that his mother had told him something. He hoped that her condition had stabilized further.He was also glad that Mia avoided the subject from the morning.  They would speak about it calmly later. Surly Juanma just told her a bit. Slowly he also drifted into the realm of dreams. He also concentrated on MIa's even breathing and then fell asleep too.

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