teil ohne titel 42

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Isabel got another call from work and retired to the study. Mia pondered her thoughts for a moment. She had her mother's smile in mind. So she was startled when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." said Juanma softly.
"It's okay, I talked to Isabel." Juanma looked around and grinned.
"She answered the phone again until she was still here." laughed Mia.
"Is Alvaro sleeping?"
Mia nodded.
"That's good, Zoe fell asleep too, what did you do during the week." "Hey, I wasn't the one who brought your girlfriend back sick," Mia said with a laugh.
"I have no idea what that is. By the time we went to sleep he was fit enough. Just a bit tired. And then he didn't start coughing and had a fever. Luckily I still had your pills."

"Thanks for taking care of everything"
"Otherwise he's always the one who knows something like that. It was unusual to be in the situation."
"Have you learned a lot or done new things?" "I think it was more about focusing on training and learning from each other. But you and Zoe would have to teach me everything I missed at school."
Mia laughed. "No problem," she said. "I should tell you from Lupe that she is sorry. That she took your father's things away from you."
"She wrote to me. Several times. But I don't feel like listening to her anymore if it happens again." Mia took his hand. "I know. I told her something like that too."
"Why were you pensive when Isabel was gone?" asked Juanma. "She told me a bit about the past. And then I thought about my mother. I miss her, and although I have so many lovely people around me, I miss her."
"That is normal, Mia. I also always miss my father. But it is also nice to know that you have lovely people around you. I would not have been able to deal with a lot of things without you. I would never have been able to accept Marcello like that. He is right, he will never be able to replace my father, but he is becoming more and more of a good friend. " Mia nodded.
"Are you worried about Alvaro?" asked Juanma.
"A little, I don't even know when he ever Was sick."
"The rest here will do him good. And you will do him good," Juanma said softly. They heard a key in the lock and Ramiro came home. "Hey you're already here. Where are the other two" he asked and took Mia in his arms.

"They both fell asleep," said Juanma
"Alvaro is sick" said Mia and Juanma and she told Ramiro what had been going on during the week. "Ok then we want to see that we can get him well again over the weekend. I have a surprise for you, but I'll only tell you when everyone is there." said Ramiro and grinned
"Dad, that's mean," Mia said, laughing, "now I can't wait for the meal"
"I'll have a look at Isabel," said Ramiro and winked at the two of them, He knocked on the study and went inside. Mia heard a door open and Alvaro came out. "How do you feel" asked Mia and Alvaro said "better sleeping was good for me"
"Dad said he had a surprise for us," said Mia.
"Ok then I'm curious. Where's Zoe?"
"She's sleeping too," said Juanma. Isabel and Ramiro came out of the study together and smiled at the two.
"My big boy, what did I hear? You're sick" Ramiro walked up to him and put his hand on his forehead. "It's okay again. Papa just had a cold"
"I used to do a calf wrap and hot tea or hot milk for you when you were little," laughed Ramiro. After a while, Zoe also came back to the others. "Why did you let me sleep" she asked in a still sleepy voice. "Because you must have needed it" said Juanma and pull her to himself. "I missed you" he whispered.
"Not as much as I lmissed you," Zoe said and gave him a kiss.

"Now that we're all together, I'll tell you what I'm up to. I thought we could go on a sailing tour; a few days at sea. However, in advance I would like to ask Lupe and Gaspar as well. I would like to have all of my children together and of course their favorite friends. "He smiled at Zoe and Juanma. At the announcement that Lupe should also be there, let Mia's face  darkened a bit, but in general the joy about the tour outweighed her and she had fallen around Ramiro's neck and hugged Isabel. "We start where we were on the beach, because I saw a rental for it. And then we stay in the house afterwards. I just have to ask if the boat and the house are available for the week after next week" The students cheered.

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