Ohne Titel Teil170

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Alvaro watched for a while as Juanma went through the math problems with Zoe and Mia. He had an infinite patience for the many questions. Alvaro himself had his problems with some math topics, but it didn't seem to be a problem for Juanma.

Roberto and Clara asked each other a few words in english. Isabel sat down with a book, the youngsters didn't bother her. Then she said, "Well, from the time of day, you would have long  finished school for today if you would be at school. I suggest we prepare the meal and you call it a day. I can already see numbers and letters falling out of your head."
Ramiro, who just entered the room , had to laugh. Isabel got up and went into the kitchen.

Ramiro followed her and in the kitchen he took her in his arms. "I just wanted to thank you," he said.

" For what?"

"That you do all of this here. And how you deal with the students. You have a really great manner."

"I raised one of them," Isabel said with a laugh, and added, "I like to have them all around. They all have very different but great personalities."

Ramiro nodded "yes they do indeed. But I love you for the fact that you don't run away screaming." Both had to laugh.

"And I love you for arranging everything so uncomplicated." He gave her a kiss.

"Uncomplicated is my strength, you know that from before"

"Oh yes," said Isabel and they both laughed.

Isabel had started peeling potatoes and Ramiro was putting water to put them in. They had taken out meat, Ramiro was seasoning it and heating a pan.

The students gradually came in and set the table.

Over dinner, Ramiro said, "I have an appointment with someone from the insurance company at school tomorrow. Then everything should gradually go its own way, I'll send everyone an email tomorrow morning that we will start classes again on Thursday."

"Is there anything else we can do to help?" asked Roberto.

"I'll have a look tomorrow. I think everything is settled. But I'll let you know. The weather should stay that way for a few more days, but at least the worst is over. Alberto called me, the storm also caused a lot on the ranch I was thinking of going there with you for a weekend, maybe we can help a little.

The students nodded. "Do they have snow?" Asked Mia

"A little, but we can leave the ski equipment here." laughed Ramiro.

"Can't we go there next weekend?" asked Alvaro.

Ramiro had to laugh." I can give him a call, but I'm not sure if there are still things to do at school. "

"We'll do it all beforehand," said Mia. "Please dad"

Ramiro looked at Isabel for help. But she grinned. "Don't look at me like that," Isabel laughed, "I'm in."

"I'd say you're outvoted," Mia said.

Ramiro rolled his eyes. "I'll call him tomorrow, are you satisfied now?" he asked with a laugh.

The students laughed and Isabel said "Somehow your students determine the further process" she laughed.

They were all in a good mood. Ramiro looked around. He loved to see the students happy. He enjoyed it when they were happy.

They watched a film together, then the students slowly said goodbye. They were all tired, it had been a long day.

Mia quietly told Alvaro in bed what she had spoken to Juanma and Alvaro told her that he was quite upset when they came out of the hospital. "You look after him," said Alvaro. "Zoe understands"

Mia nodded. "I know. But he was also happy that you were with him today."

"I went through in my head again ... even if it wasn't nice, but I was able to explain to him what intubation means. I'll write Penny tomorrow, I have to talk to her. I really think I would like to help people and so I think I want to study medicine . "

Mia nodded "I think you would be the right one for"

Alvaro smiled and took Mia in his arms. She believed in him, he could tell. It was good for him that she trusted him to do that.

Mia snuggled up against him. "Are you very tired" he asked

"A little, but I'll stay up if you want me to."

"No, sleep well. I like it when you sleep in front of me and I can watch you."

Mia laughed. "You watch me when I sleep?"

"If I'm still awake myself, I enjoy the sight." Alvaro said and smiled at Mia.

Mia threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I love you," she said softly. "And I love to fall asleep in your arms. But if you sleep in front of me, I'll watch you too":

Alvaro narrowed his eyes. "So that's how it is," he laughed. "I thought so."

He took her in his arms and pulled her close. "Sleep now," he whispered.

Mia nodded and took a deep breath. She relaxed in his arms. Alvaro closed his eyes. Right now he was just happy.

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