Ohne Titel Teil123

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After dinner, Alvaro wanted to go  out into the fresh snow. He and Mia dressed warmly and went for a walk. There were some paths that no one had walked along and the snow was still untouched. It crunched under his shoes. Mia took off her gloves and made a handprint in the fresh snow. Alvaro did the same and then drew a heart around the prints with his finger.

He took Mia in his arms. "It's a shame that it won't be visible anymore at some point," he said softly. " I love you."

" I love you too." Mia had taken out the cell phone and took a picture. "Now it will last forever," she said softly.

Allvaro took Mia's hands and warmed them up in his. Then he put her gloves back on and put his on again.

They went a little farther and looked out over the valley. It was dark, but not yet late and so many lights were on in many houses and that made a beautiful sight to the snowy surroundings.

"It all looks somehow new. I can't explain it, you have the feeling as if everything was freshly washed."

Alvaro had to laugh at the introduction and took Mia in his arms. It was a great view, the mountains could only be seen in outline in the darkness and everything shone with the white snow. Both of them had their breath frozen and it looked like they were smoking. They had come a bit off the road and the snow was getting deeper. They sank deep and laughed when they tried to get their feet out of the snow.

Mia tried to run away from Alvaro and he caught up with her quickly. He knocked her over and she landed deep in the snow. Both laughed. When Alvaro tried to pull Mia up, she pulled him down and he landed halfway next to her. She pulled him close and gave him a kiss.

"I would love to stop time and never have to leave here" she said and looked at him. "I feel the same way," he replied.

He pulled her up again, otherwise it was too cold. They walked along the path for a while, but as they sank deeper and deeper into the snow, they decided to go back.

On the way to the house there was a bench on the edge, which of course was deeply snowed. Alvaro cleaned it a little and sat down, then pulled Mia onto his lap. He took her in his arms and she put her head on his shoulder.

There were many stars in the sky, it was an almost cloudless night and Alvaro said "Every star represents my love for you."

Mia smiled at him. "But at least half of them represent my love for you."

Both said nothing for a while and just looked at the sky. This time no shooting stars fell. Still, it was almost breathtaking to see these many glittering points in the sky. It looked as infinite as it was. Mia gave Alvaro a kiss and looked at him for a long time. " Everything OK?" he asked after a moment.

Mia nodded. "I'm just incredibly happy and sometimes I can't believe it myself."

"Should I pinch you?" Asked Alvaro with a smile.

"No, you'd better give me another kiss." said Mia.

"I not will be told twice more," said Alvaro and kissed Mia, wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a little squeeze. " Are you awake?" he then asked and Mia had to laugh. "Oh yes now yes" she said.

After another moment, Alvaro said, "Shall we go back? It's going to be a little cold, I think."

Indeed, both of them had cold tips of their noses and, despite the thick shoes, their feet got cold too. Mia nodded.

Hand in hand they made their way back to the house. They could see the fireplace smoking and the light shone through the windows. It looked cozy and homely as they walked towards the house.

When they got to the door, Alvaro took her again in his arms. "I'm so excited to be here with you and I'm enjoying every minute."

"I enjoy the time with you too."

They both winced when the door opened and Juanma stood in front of them. "Sorry, I didn't see you standing in front of the door," he said. He had his cell phone in hand.

"Everything ok" asked Alvaro and Mia at the same time. Juanma held up his cell phone. It was a message from Laura asking if they could make a phone call. Alvaro looked at Juanma. "Has she written before now." Juanma shook his head

"No, that's the first message, I also have no idea why she wants to talk to me. Juanma tapped his cell phone. He had answered Laura that it wasn't possible right now and asked if something had happened.

Both waited a moment and looked at his cell phone together with Juanma. They could see that Laura read the message but went offline again.

"Then not, if she doesn't answer," said Juanma and went into the house with Alvaro and Mia.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now