Ohne Titel Teil179

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When the students woke up the next morning, it was raining. Alvaro looked out the window. "It is getting lighter again over the fields, I think it will stop soon.

Mia checked her cell phone and read the two messages from the night before. The message of the texts was similar to the previous news.

She paused in her thoughts for a moment, but then recovered. She looked at Alvaro. He had watched her, then smiled at her. " All good?" he asked and Mia nodded.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Are you sure everything is ok?" Alvaro asked again and pushed Mia away a little.

Mia looked at him and opened the messages on her phone. "I received a letter to go with it."

" A letter?" asked Juanma, who only knew about the sms. Mia pulled the letter out of her jacket pocket.

"Did you recognize the writing" asked Juanma while Mia unfolded the letter. "It has been typed," she said, handing it to Alvaro. Juanma stood next to Alvaro and they read the letter.

Alvaro took Mia's hand. "The one who wrote that is just jealous." He took her in his arms and she nodded.

"If it were Laura, wouldn't Zoe have received such a letter ? I mean Laura seems to be more attracted to Juanma." Mia pointed out.

"We'll find out who it was," said Juanma. "Now let's enjoy the last few hours here and don't think about it."

Alvaro folded the letter again and said "Leave it with me" Mia nodded and took Alvaro again in her arms.

Alvaro, Juanma, Mia, and Zoe were at the ranch house before the others. Ruby and Alberto were sitting by the fireplace with a cup of coffee.

"When the rain subsides immediately and you feel like it, you can start the fences with Travis and Ruby," said Alberto.

Alvaro looked at the others and nodded.

"First sit down and eat something," said Ruby. The table was already set and they sat down. Ruby made everyone hot drinks and filled thermos for tea and coffee.

The others also gradually arrived. They had planned the return trip to Buenos Aires for the late afternoon.

They made their way to the meadows when the rain stopped. New wires had to be pulled into the fences and wooden beams had to be replaced. With so many helping hands, they made good progress. By noon, they had almost everything ready, so Travis said, "Let's get back to the ranch house. Then you'll have a little time before you have to leave.

Isabel had prepared a couple of snacks and they tidied up the bungalows after dinner. They had stripped the beds and made everything ready. Alberto had protested, but Ramiro had insisted. "You still have enough to do here, so we can do it."

"Without you we wouldn't even be half as far." Albaerto looked at the students and at Isabel and Ramiro. "I can't say thank you enough"

Ramiro took Alberto in his arms and said "We actually had fun. We don't do something like this every day."

The time to say goodbye had come. Clara had visited the cats again and they said goodbye to the horses.

Alberto, Ruby and Travis waved after them for a long time and you could tell that saying goodbye was not easy for all of them.

The drive back to Buenos Aires felt longer than it was. Shortly before the start, they decided that they wanted to spend the night with Isabel and Ramiro and that they didn't want to go back to school until Monday.

On the way, Ramiro had suggested taking pizza away so that it didn't have to be cooked.

When they got to Ramiro's, Isabel looked around. "I'm getting used to the fact that you are all here, during the week the apartment seems too empty to me," she said and laughed. Ramiro grinned and took her in his arms.

Juanma and Zoe said goodbye first for the night, but everyone else went to bed early too. Mia and Isabel helped Roberto and Clara to prepare the couch for sleep and then calm returned.

Mia had snuggled into Alvaro's arms. "You don't think about that bullshit, do you?" Alvaro whispered in the darkness. Mia shook her head. "I just don't understand why someone is after me. I didn't have a fight even with Laura."

"So you're thinking about it," Alvaro said softly and Mia had to grin. "You apparently too"

"I was just thinking that tomorrow we'll just show everyone that we don't care. Such things should only strengthen our cohesion."

Mia nodded. "I know. That's the way it is. But somehow I can't let it go"

"Imagine we're on the beach. You don't hear anything but the soft lapping of the waves. You are lying in my arms" he took Mia a little tighter in his arms "You only feel my fingers on your stomach and my lips on yours Cheek." He gave her a kiss. Mia turned around in Alvaro's arms and kissed back. "You have no idea how much I love you," she said softly.

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now