Ohne Titel Teil191

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MIa and Juanma started Mariana's song. Isabel looked at Ramiro, grinned conspiratorially, and went on stage. Juanma stepped back and Isabel took over. When the song was over, the guests called for encores. Mia took Isabel in her arms and couldn't stop tears from streaming down her cheek.

Juanma and she sang Ya no mas and then Gaspar took the micro "We say goodbye for today and have a nice evening." An encore was called and Gaspar said "You want more? Ok one last song" He agreed tonight and waved Alvaro and Roberto  onto the stage. That was a song for everyone. Ramiro clapped wildly and was happy about the unity of his students. Dani and Toni clapped and sang along for a part

When the group left the stage again, Ramiro and Dani and Toni took them in their arms. Lupe took Dani by the hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. "Let's see what you can do outside the water" she said and winked at Dani. She had underestimated him, Dani was very good at dancing. He smiled at Lupe.

They stayed at the disco for a while, then Isabel said to Ramiro "I think Dani and Toni are tired from the day, let's go home slowly."

Dani had heard it and said "Even if I'm wide awake, I agree with you. We should break up for today."

Alvaro and Mia drove Dani and Toni to the hotel. Isabel had invited them to breakfast, admittedly, to a later breakfast. When they got to the hotel, Dani took Mia and Alvaro in her arms first. "It was an incredible evening. And thanks again for everything. I filmed a big part and show it to Vicky. I'm sure she's happy to meet you guys."

They said goodbye. Ramiro, Isabel and the others had been waiting for them in the living room.

They sat down in the living room for a moment. "It was a great evening," said Lupe enthusiastically.

Gaspar had taken her in his arms." Lupe, I'm proud of you about the Zoe thing. I was very happy that you brought her on stage. "Said Ramiro.

As they said goodbye for the night, Mia noticed that Roberto had been a little quieter than usual. Under the pretext of fetching more water, she waited until everyone was in their rooms. Then she crossed the living room from the kitchen. "Good night, Roberto," she said. "Is everything ok with you." Roberto looked at her briefly and looked at his blanket. "I missed her especially today," he said softly. "It was such a beautiful evening that would have been even better if Clara had been there."

Mia sat down with him for a moment and put her arm around him. "She will be back soon. She is much better"

Roberto nodded. "But what if ..."

"It wasn't." Mia said "It was a bad accident, but it turned out well. You have to think about that."

She took him in her arms and he returned her hug and put his head on her shoulder.

"Thank you Mia, it feel good that you take me in your arms" said Roberto and pulled away from her. "Your performance was great. And Dani and Toni are very nice"

"Yes they are," Mia said with a smile. Sue got up and gave Roberto's shoulder a squeeze. "Good night, come over if something is wrong," she said.

"Good night" said Roberto "thanks, I'll do it" He smiled at Mia.

Mia went to her and Alvaro's room. Alvaro was already in bed and Mia snuggled up against him. He took her in his arms. "Very nice evening," he said. "I enjoyed every single minute"

Mia smiled. "Yes, it was a great feeling to be on stage again."

Zoe and Juanma were already in bed too. "Are you okay" asked Juanma Zoe and Zoe nodded. "Now finally in your arms, I'm even better than fine" she said and Juanma had to smile. "It was great from Lupe."

"Yes, I thought so too, she's really changed. I'm proud of her," said Juanma.

"If she had always been like she is now ... you would have then ..."

"Separated from her, you mean? I can't tell you. What I can tell you, however, is that I love you and don't waste a thought about what might be, if Lupe had always been different. Maybe it was just the wrong time for her and me. But maybe the right one, because otherwise I might never have seen behind your scenes. I might never have seen what a great person you are because I wouldn't have made an effort. "

Zoe hugged him. "I'm glad it is what it is. I love you."

"I love you too. And I can't imagine being without you."

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